Windows 11 Lockdown Browser

Windows 11 Lockdown Browser

Windows 11 Lockdown Browser is used by academic institutions to prevent students from cheating during online exams. It works by restricting access to internet programs or software such as instant messaging services or screen capture tools that could otherwise facilitate cheating.

This browser is suitable for most LMS platforms and simple to set up. Additionally, it works well on both desktop computers and tablets and can cause no major issues on most systems; however, some systems may experience complications.


LockDown Browser is used by many universities, institutions and online courses to prevent cheating and other forms of exam manipulations. The browser locks all other applications on your computer while disallowing access to websites or tools outside of an exam period – it also records your webcam feed during exams for review afterward by instructors. You can download LockDown Browser free and easily install it within seconds.

Once downloaded, double-clicking the installer file will initiate the installation process. Simply follow on-screen instructions until installation is complete; when finished, launch your browser from either desktop icon or shortcut or directly via LMS/exam platform.

If you are having issues with the LockDown Browser, there may be background programs interfering with its functionality. For instance, screen reader applications like JAWS or Windows-Eyes must be disabled before taking exams; similarly if there’s any trouble with the browser try closing all open programs and taking care to address any security windows which appear.

LockDown Browser for Windows PC works seamlessly with most popular learning management systems and offers numerous features that ensure a safe testing environment during exams. The browser prevents access to unauthorized websites and blocks functions such as printing, screen capture and task switching; additionally it integrates with Respondus Monitor which offers additional protection through facial recognition technology and behavior monitoring.

LockDown Browser offers many great features, but it does have its share of disadvantages as well. Notably these include not supporting calculator and spreadsheet functions and extended keyboard functions for adding symbols and special characters; as well as not supporting Chromebook Touch Bar features for test taking purposes; additionally it may not support all browser extensions so prior to using it it may be necessary to uninstall some.


Lockdown Browser is an examination and assessment tool used by many institutions to prevent students from cheating during exams and assessments by locking other programs on their computers and recording webcam footage. Unfortunately, however, Lockdown Browser can suffer technical difficulties; antiviruses or other programs may disrupt its functions and cause difficulties during an exam; should this happen, taking part can become quite stressful.

To remedy the issue, download and install the latest version of your browser by following its installation prompts on your computer – this should take only minutes! When done, an icon will appear on your desktop that double-clicking opens your browser; or launch it through Start or search mode on your computer.

Some students may encounter difficulty when trying to access quiz links through their browser, usually as the result of problems with system components that the browser relies upon. To resolve this, change your account type for this application by visiting Control Panel then clicking User Accounts; this will reveal all accounts currently configured on your computer; select one that best corresponds with your account and change its password accordingly.

The browser prevents students from using applications, such as remote desktop software, virtual machines, screen capturing software, instant messaging programs and timer programs; students also cannot leave the test before it has been submitted for grading. Therefore, it is crucial that students understand what can and cannot be accomplished with browser use before taking an exam.

Respondus LockDown Browser has been updated several times since its initial release. Some updates were implemented for security, while others improved performance and functionality. When checking for updates, make sure you download and install the latest version as soon as it becomes available on your computer. Furthermore, consider setting a strong password that protects your data if someone gains access to it by changing password frequently – doing this can ensure no one gains entry and accesses it!


If you are having issues with Windows 11 Lockdown Browser, there are a few steps you can take to address it. First, rebooting may help resolve some bugs and issues; if that does not do the trick, other more elaborate procedures may need to be employed.

If the facial detection feature of your browser isn’t functioning, this could be caused by several different issues. Backlights could obstruct its ability to recognize faces. Also hats or sunglasses could block this capability; to see if that helps try changing the angle of the webcam.

Problems could also stem from programs on your computer interfering with your browser, particularly ones using Java or the internet; other culprits include screen capture and instant messaging applications that might also interfere. Try closing any such programs before launching Lockdown Browser and disabling antivirus software; third-party versions might need to be disabled as well.

Wireless or network connections that are unreliable can impede browser functionality, so if possible, connect directly with the router when using public Wi-Fi networks. Make sure that you have a reliable and secure connection during the exam if possible; switching over to Ethernet connections might also prove helpful. By doing this, you will help prevent issues with the network connection that could impede on your browser’s ability to respond to questions and deliver responses directly to Canvas servers. If you can’t connect to the server, you won’t be able to submit answers or advance to the next question – leading to unnecessary confusion and frustration. Therefore, it is recommended that before taking exams online or any time-limited assignments that you make sure your connections are stable. By doing this you may avoid having to retake them later, saving valuable time.


Internet browsing offers immense knowledge and convenience; yet hackers exploit security loopholes to steal confidential information and hack into devices. A secure lockdown browser can help prevent cyber attacks by restricting user access only to trusted websites while blocking other applications/programs that might facilitate cheating.

Windows 11 comes packed with many security features designed to safeguard devices against hackers and phishing attacks, such as Microsoft Defender SmartScreen’s ability to block unsafe downloads by checking against a list of known malicious websites in real-time, file encryption features such as BitLocker and Personal Data Encryption and personal Data Encryption for confidentiality of confidential data, BitLocker lockdown capabilities for additional protection of confidential files from prying eyes as well as the Windows Security app as a central hub for managing and monitoring device security for safeguarding users against emerging threats.

Respondus Lockdown Browser’s greatest strength lies in its ability to prevent students from opening other apps and web pages while taking a quiz, thus eliminating external sources that might allow cheating on an exam and making tests more fair and objective. Unfortunately, however, the app has some minor bugs that need addressing.

Problems associated with taking quizzes with Lockdown Browser on wireless networks should also be resolved; such as Calculator and Spreadsheet features not being available when taking one; extended keyboard functions (such as adding symbols and special characters) not working as expected; embedded images in quizzes loading slowly or not at all; as well as lag/timeout issues when taking quizzes using Lockdown Browser – best way to overcome these is using an ethernet network whenever possible to take exams instead of wireless connections!

Lockdown Browser’s shell window is hidden upon initialization and not restored when a quiz closes, creating problems for students who require accessing it for screen capture or instant messaging purposes. Thankfully, this issue can be easily solved by adding an IAT hook to EmptyClipboard function and returning true value as an answer.

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