The Lockdown Secure Browser

Utilising a lockdown browser may feel intimidating to students, but it’s an essential way of protecting academic integrity and preventing cheating during exams.

Browser lockdown software doesn’t require webcams or microphones; instead it simply monitors the screen and restricts access to desktop applications, browser tabs, keyboard shortcuts and more.

Easy to use

Lockdown Secure Browser is an effective proctoring tool used to prevent cheating during exams. Its ease of use makes it ideal for preventing students from accessing or sharing forbidden material during an examination, while professors can monitor student behavior throughout an exam period. Some lockdown browsers even provide data which can flag potential instances of cheating such as eye movements and audio output from pupils’ devices.

To use the Lockdown browser effectively, instructors should first install it on a computer with a stable internet connection and free from malware, and distribute the link. When students click on this link they will be asked to agree to terms and conditions and download the browser; any other utilities such as Windows desktop, Dropbox, Skype, and virus protection software must also be turned off prior to taking an exam; additionally they must change their Quit Password before doing so.

If a student experiences any issues while taking an exam, they should contact their instructor for assistance first and if that fails they should reach out to IT Help Desk to file a ticket on their behalf. In cases where issues cannot be solved they should reboot their computer to completely exit Lockdown browser mode.

Lockdown browsers can be useful tools for online proctoring, but they don’t always provide a foolproof solution. Students may still cheat and hackers could take advantage of them, so for maximum protection it would be prudent to combine these solutions.

Blended Proctoring, which combines aspects of both automated and live proctoring, has become a popular option in online learning environments, providing instructors and students with benefits from both automated and live proctoring systems. This technology is ideal for online education because it saves both instructors and students both time and money while decreasing stress associated with proctoring sessions and increasing student engagement while improving learning outcomes. However, some students have expressed frustration that the system is inaccurate and often causes frustration; Thailea Brinkmann from GHC Business Administration major said she worried about being flagged because it tracked her eye movement and audio recordings simultaneously – she expressed her anxiety over being tracked by GHC Business Administration major Thailea Brinkmann reported worrying about being flagged because the system tracked her eye movements as well as audio recording devices tracked both simultaneously causing her eye movements as audio was tracked simultaneously with eye movement tracking technology which tracks her eye movement and audio.


As online and computer-based testing becomes the new normal, there is a growing need to combat cheating. A key tool that can do just this is Respondus Lockdown Browser: this closed-source software solution prevents students from accessing non-exam-related websites during exams as well as hiding certain features of Chrome/Edge browsers such as bookmarks bar, tabs, home button right click menu settings and Settings.

Lockdown browsers are specifically designed to integrate smoothly into existing test-taking environments like Blackboard and Canvas, providing convenient and dependable options for professors and students alike. Furthermore, students can download it quickly and without technical complications; only an antivirus program must first be uninstalled prior to downloading.

Lockdown Browser does not permit students to use external devices such as mobile phones and tablets for learning; however, its Quit Password feature allows students to leave browser mode temporarily in extenuating circumstances; then use this password to reenter and resume an exam session.

Lockdown Browser is an effective solution to stop students from cheating during exams taken remotely, but alone cannot effectively proctor an exam. In order to be effective, additional methods like video conferencing or an in-person examiner may also need to be employed – for this reason it would be ideal to combine Lockdown Browser with another live proctoring solution like Respondus Monitor.

Lockdown browsers also enable professors to monitor students for compliance with exam rules, flag any violations and notify instructors quickly – helping instructors to maintain closer oversight over students and alleviate stress levels.

Lockdown Browser can also assist in mitigating other forms of exam fraud, including tampering and impersonation, which are two common forms of exam cheating. While these techniques may not be detectable with webcam technology, students could still be at risk from these threats and professors must ensure their exams remain free from risk.


Online exams provide a convenient and effective means for students to complete their work, yet can pose challenges. An exam proctoring solution such as Respondus Lockdown Browser can ensure students remain focused on the task at hand and not distracted by anything outside their exam, and alert professors when students may be cheating during an exam session.

The browser was created to easily integrate with testing environments like Blackboard and Canvas, providing professors and students with an efficient solution. Furthermore, its compatibility with multiple operating systems and devices make it an attractive option for schools and students alike.

Many professors require students to use a lockdown browser and monitor during exams in order to prevent cheating, especially those involving STEM and language courses. Some students have complained about these programs being an invasion of their privacy and potentially leading to computer issues; others claim the browsers make them feel anxious and stressed out during exams.

Students wishing to download software must access their course and click on any quiz which requires it, then follow the prompts for installing their browser – much like any other software application on a computer – making sure it functions before taking an exam that requires it. Students should make sure it works prior to their first examination that requires it.

Once installed, students can start their exam using their browser. When asked by prompts to close programs that may distract or access other URLs – yes should always be selected if asked. When finished taking their test they should use either Quit button or restart device in order to exit their browser and close any browser sessions that might remain.

Students have reported issues with Respondus Monitor’s video feature of lockdown browsers, specifically video. This can cause various issues including inability to shut off programs or technical difficulties; some students even report being locked out while taking exams! For further assistance with using their Lockdown browser or any questions related to its usage they should reach out directly to their instructor or IT Help Desk for guidance.


Instructors using lockdown browsers to monitor students during online exams or assessments in Pilot can easily keep tabs on them during an assessment, quiz, exam or quiz. Such browsers restrict access to desktop, apps, programs and any other materials that could facilitate cheating during an assessment; it also disables printing, screen captures, right mouse clicks and searching the web on student computers – significantly decreasing both chances and likelihood of cheating during tests.

The browser can be installed on any computer running Blackboard or Canvas, providing secure application that cannot be uninstalled without uninstalling all its software components. Furthermore, as a closed-source program it prevents students from understanding exactly how the program operates – something which further contributes to its security by making it less likely that individuals try hacking it to bypass its protections.

Lockdown Browser should not be seen as a replacement for proctoring services; it does not verify student identity and can only prevent certain forms of cheating. Therefore, its optimal use would be in conjunction with other proctoring tools, such as video-based proctoring or automated rubric generator. Hacker attacks and computer crashes may compromise its integrity so keeping it updated and configured appropriately are both essential requirements to maintaining optimal use.

Instructors can require students to use Respondus Lockdown Browser during exams by selecting “Require Respondus Lockdown Browser” on the Quiz or Exam settings page. This makes the browser mandatory for taking quizzes or exams and ensures they do not gain access to other applications on their device. Furthermore, instructors may use it restrict certain activities during assessments like streaming videos or opening additional websites – limiting students’ activities like streaming videos and opening other sites can be controlled this way as well.

To create a Lockdown Browser session, the student needs an Ethernet (wired) internet connection and webcam on their computer. They should also avoid using mobile hotspots, wireless USB modems, laptop connect cards or any other method which might cause dropped or interrupted connections with Brightspace server; zoom or pan features should not be used during an assessment session either.

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