Respondus Lockdown Browser Download For Canvas

Respondus Lockdown Browser Download For Canvas

Respondus Lockdown Browser Download For Canvas is an essential tool used to ensure secure online assessments. It prevents students from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during exams or quizzes.

Respondus Monitor records students’ webcams in order to ensure they are taking assessments alone – this feature can be extremely helpful both during proctored exams as well as remotely administered assessments.

What is Respondus Lockdown Browser?

Respondus Lockdown Browser is a customized browser designed to limit student activity during testing environments, preventing students from printing, copying, browsing to different URLs or accessing other applications on their computers. Available both for Windows and Mac platforms, Lockdown Browser works together with its companion tool Respondus Monitor to enable proctored online exams even without proctors present, reduce cheating by mandating students use webcams during tests and allow instructors to review student sessions after an exam has concluded.

Students download and install Lockdown Browser prior to taking a quiz or exam that requires it. A link is provided on each quiz’s Take Quiz page; when students click it, their quiz or exam will commence within the Lockdown Browser environment and cannot leave until it has been submitted for grading – although instructors’ quiz settings will dictate whether Lockdown Browser is necessary for assessment.

After they have finished their quiz or exam, students can return to their Canvas dashboard and close the browser. When asked to close any programs that have been blocked (for instance screen capture, instant messaging or Skype), they should select Yes; additionally any applications or tabs opened prior to opening their browser should also be closed before restarting it and they may then resume their normal workflow.

Students ready to take an exam that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser should log into Canvas and navigate directly to the quiz or exam page. If Respondus is set as a requirement, an explanation will be displayed along with a link for downloading it – though this link will only appear for courses where requiring Respondus Lockdown Browser has been activated.

Instructors should give all students an in-class practice quiz using Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor several days before their initial test using it. This will allow them to become familiar with its technology while verifying their computers are up-to-date, providing a low stakes environment in which to address any potential problems they might encounter.

How do I download Respondus Lockdown Browser?

Respondus Lockdown Browser is a customized web browser designed to stop students from printing, copying, accessing external links or installing third-party applications during a quiz. Instructors may use Respondus Lockdown Browser as part of Canvas test delivery to increase security for tests delivered there; students will be required to download and install this software prior to taking tests that require it.

Start off right: to begin Respondus testing on any machine requires having both the appropriate operating system and web browser (IE10 or higher), as well as an Internet connection. Respondus software can also be used on mobile devices connected to the Internet. When ready, students should log into Canvas and navigate directly to their assessment where Respondus needs to be used – they will see an option called “LockDown Browser” located within its left navigation panel; click this link and open Respondus browser!

Once the browser is launched, it will notify the student if any programs need to be closed prior to beginning a test. They may choose either manually or let it automatically close them based on what it identifies as necessary. When an exam has concluded, the browser can be closed again so students can return to their regular computer setup; instructors can add LockDown Browser and Monitor links directly into a course’s Navigation menu or Student Resources page.

Some instructors require students to complete assessments with LockDown Browser and Monitor enabled in their Cougar courses, indicating the need for Respondus software in their Quiz Instructions. If an instructor has included a link for Respondus in Student Resources page, this link may also be found there.

Once the Link to Download Respondus is clicked, students should follow the prompts on their device to download and install Respondus software. They then must sign into Canvas @ Yale and navigate directly to the Quiz Activity that will use Respondus; once there, navigate directly to Respondus Quiz Activity with instructions stating “LockDown browser required”, complete their exam, then unlock their browser upon completion to restore normal computer settings.

How do I use Respondus Lockdown Browser?

Respondus Lockdown Browser can be utilized in any Canvas course, but activation must first be approved by a faculty member before students can take quizzes that require it. This process typically takes 24-48 hours excluding weekends and U.S. holidays; during which time faculty should have students take practice exams to test out software configuration prior to using graded assessments with it and provide paper fallback solutions should any technical issues arise with software usage.

Instructors assigning quizzes that require Respondus Lockdown Browser will give students access to download the software when they click on the quiz link in Canvas, along with an explanation text explaining how it helps prevent cheating on exams. When opened within Respondus Lockdown Browser software, students will see their quiz displayed on the left-side of their screen – to close it, they must click the X icon located at the upper right corner.

Canvas quiz software prevents students from accessing other apps, websites, or content while taking an exam in Canvas. It also disables screen capture software, prohibits right-mouse functions and copy/paste commands, and uses facial detection technology to ensure no two students are working together during an exam session.

Once students have successfully completed a quiz, they can exit by clicking on the X in the upper-right corner and returning to Canvas’ quiz page. There, they can submit it and answer feedback questions before returning back into their regular browser on Canvas.

When students encounter browser-related issues during a quiz, it is wise to first consult their instructor or visit the Respondus Knowledge Base for assistance. Students should install their software well ahead of the starting date to allow time for any technical problems to be resolved before beginning their quiz – this is especially important if this tool is being used for the first time by students.

What are the benefits of using Respondus Lockdown Browser?

Respondus Lockdown Browser is an online exam proctoring tool that enables instructors to monitor students as they take a Canvas quiz or test. The tool helps prevent cheating by making sure students do not access other applications or websites on their computers while taking tests; and ensures the test takes place in a controlled environment. Respondus Lockdown Browser can be used in either class-room testing environments or remote testing sessions – however, it does not work well for online distance learning courses.

Respondus Lockdown Browser will prevent students from visiting other websites or apps on their computer, accessing email or instant messaging applications, copying or printing anything, as well as recording video footage of the student taking the exam along with their webcam image for purposes of identifying suspicious activity during testing; faculty may use this evidence against any suspected instances of cheating.

Setting up Respondus Lockdown Browser in Canvas is relatively straightforward and should primarily be handled through student-facing materials within Canvas. Instructors can include links to download the browser in their quiz instructions or send students directly to an online testing support page; additionally faculty may copy and paste a Respondus Lockdown Browser/Respondus Monitor module from the Commons into their courses for an easy start guide for students.

Prior to using the LockDown browser, students will need a recent version of Adobe Flash installed and should be aware that its installation process can take some time. Once complete, students should close any programs blocked by it (e.g. screen capture software and instant messenger), before opening their LockDown browser instead of their usual browser in order to login to their course and take tests.

Students can customize font size within their browser by clicking on the “i” icon and adjusting their desired zoom level. Furthermore, VoiceOver, Apple’s standard screen reader that comes preinstalled on Apple products can make browsing accessible for students with disabilities.

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