Respondus Lockdown Browser Download Chromebook

Respondus Lockdown Browser Download Chromebook

Respondus Lockdown Browser Download Chromebook is an online proctoring program specifically tailored for students, offering numerous features designed to ensure exams are administered fairly and safely for all learners, while simultaneously preventing cheating by taking assessments in full-screen mode.

Canvas, Blackboard Learn, D2L Brightspace and Schoology all support this extension for exams administered on student devices both owned and managed by them.


Respondus Lockdown Browser is one of the most advanced proctoring tools on the market, boasting several captivating features to deter students from cheating during tests. First off, assessments within this browser are full-screen – this makes it difficult for students to use mouse and keyboard to navigate or click any web pages or applications outside it – and also removes Minimize/Maximize buttons from its main window, making it nearly impossible to take peeks at other apps or sites without incurring severe penalties.

Respondus Lockdown Browser Download Chromebook offers another great feature to its students – blocking apps or websites from accessing a student’s device during exams, and also preventing any unauthorized recordings from being uploaded onto any online platforms without authorization from Respondus Lockdown Browser Download Chromebook. This can be especially beneficial if a test takes place at home or at an office where someone else might use their computer at the same time as Respondus Lockdown Browser Download Chromebook student(s).

Respondus Lockdown Browser provides students with an excellent solution for taking exams at home or the office. Easy to set up, this software prevents cheating or chatter during tests by recording actions taken and notifying users if any suspicious behaviors are identified.

This Chromebook extension works for exams delivered through Blackboard Learn, D2L Brightspace and Schoology. Specifically tailored for student-owned devices as well as managed ones, Respondus Monitor supports it too – over 1,000 colleges and universities use Respondus Monitor! Students can install Respondus Monitor by going to the Chrome Web Store and clicking “Add to Chrome”, after which the extension can be launched and quizzes begin!

if your instructor has enabled Respondus LDB + Monitor on a quiz in Canvas, when taking it you may encounter the “Respondus Lockdown Browser Required” message when trying to take it and will be taken to its installation page on Chrome Web Store – once complete you will be able to take your quiz normally.

LockDown Browser Chromebook Extension is currently in beta release and does have some restrictions that limit its effectiveness. To maximize its benefits, make sure you only use it with tests enabled for it by your instructor in their Blackboard course – if unsure, contact them directly for assistance. Once completing a quiz with this Chromebook extension successfully, your instructor will be informed immediately so they can provide appropriate feedback about how well you performed on it.

Concluding Thoughts

With online education growing increasingly popular, the need for proctoring tools has never been greater. Respondus Lockdown Browser Download Chromebook offers students a secure testing environment during quizzes and exams to prevent cheating by locking down test-taking environments so that students cannot print copies, copy from websites, access applications or print materials during exams; additionally it records student behavior during testing to detect instances of suspected cheating or inappropriate conduct during exams.

Lockdown browser can be utilized in various test-taking environments, from classrooms and labs to homes. It is compatible with Blackboard Learn, Canvas, Moodle, D2L Brightspace Schoology as well as being downloaded onto computers or tablets running Chrome web browser. Furthermore, Respondus Monitor, with similar capabilities but configurable at course level rather than individual exam level can also be integrated.

Respondus Lockdown Browser requires students to first create an online profile and agree to its Terms of Use before proceeding to their course with an exam configured specifically for their device – it will look and function just like an ordinary test in Blackboard Learn without the interruptions from daily internet browsing! Instructors should consider offering a practice quiz prior to an actual assessment so students become comfortable using Respondus Lockdown Browser’s features and functions.

After an exam is over, students will need to exit browser mode by pressing either the physical power button or clicking sign out. On older Chromebook devices that do not respond properly with its physical power button, battery removal may be necessary as an alternate way of exiting browser mode.

An ability to clear problematic cookies can be invaluable for students experiencing technical issues during an exam. To use this utility, students should “pin” an extension to their Chrome browser toolbar and use its button to delete specific groups of cookies – any more would cause irreparable damage and potentially render exams impossible to take successfully. It is advised not to delete all of their cookies as doing so will delete other applications pinned there as well as impact their ability to take an exam successfully.

Though Lockdown Browser is still in beta, it offers teachers and students alike an ideal option to increase test security in remote learning settings. Installation is quick and works with any quiz enabled for use within Lockdown Browser – not classic quizzes though – providing an efficient method of making sure no cheating takes place during assessments.

Final Words

Respondus Lockdown Browser Download Chromebook is an innovative program that will allow students to take online tests without the risk of cheating. The software prevents students from accessing other programs on their computers and enables instructors to track student activity during exams, and also prevents tools like screen capture or instant messaging ensuring honest answers are given by all students taking exams online. Previously available only on Windows and macOS computers, now Chromebook owners will also have this software at their disposal.

The Chromebook version of Respondus Lockdown Browser is a web-based extension, making it accessible on any device running Google Chrome. To install, navigate to an exam in Canvas which requires Respondus Lockdown Browser and click “LockDown Browser Required”, this will launch Chrome Web Store where it prompts you to add Respondus Lockdown Browser as an application and once added you may proceed with taking your test.

Once installed, this extension will disable all menu and toolbar options on your device as well as prevent use of other applications like messaging, virtual machines or remote desktops. Access can also be gained using USB drives or external keyboards and you may change screen resolution so the application fits better onto your device. It should be noted that this extension does not work with applications like Adobe Flash Player or Java.

Students can utilize this program on any managed Chromebook in a classroom setting or at home – whether for use at school or for individual learning at home. Installation takes only minutes, and students will then be able to log into Blackboard and access their exams once installed. Instructors must activate Respondus LockDown Browser at each exam. Each quiz will include either “- Requires Respondus LockDown Browser” or “- Requires Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam.” If the instructor’s test does not match with this extension, a warning message will display as “Unsupported. For more information about Respondus programs and software solutions, including webinars and videos to help users get up and running quickly with them, visit their website at Respondus. Respondus offers several videos for students that cover flexible testing. The “Flexible Testing” video covers scenarios students commonly face during tests, providing potential solutions. All students taking exams requiring Respondus should watch this video prior to sitting the exam; instructors may find this resource beneficial as well for creating more flexible exams.

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