Respondus Lockdown Browser Download

Some instructors utilize the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor to proctor exams and quizzes within Cougar Courses (Canvas). Students must download it through an link provided by their instructor when taking an assessment that requires it.

This browser prevents students from printing, copying, visiting any URL other than that which they need or using other applications during an assessment. Furthermore, software records student behavior to detect any instances of potential cheating.

What is Respondus?

Respondus is a software package designed to facilitate proctored exams in an online, secure environment. It includes the Respondus Monitor browser and other tools designed to protect students from cheating during exams by going to different URLs, switching applications or copying questions from printed pages. Furthermore, Respondus records audio and video of test-takers to identify any suspicious activity – the software integrates seamlessly with Blackboard Learn and Canvas courses to create proctored environments for exams.

Respondus Monitor can effectively remove human proctors from exams, yet still violate student privacy by recording both webcam and microphone recordings and using artificial intelligence to identify any behavior that might constitute cheating risk. Students then receive an assessment score which instructors can review later. Respondus Monitor is available for both desktop computers and Chromebooks.

Not only can the specialized browser track student actions, it limits access to other applications during an online exam. This means students cannot open other browsers, use chat programs or install other applications while taking an exam online. Furthermore, this browser detects when someone else may be sitting at their computer and prevent them from accessing it for taking exams as well.

At New Mexico State University (NMSU), exams in our online courses utilize Respondus Lockdown Browser with and without Monitor for proctored exams administered either in class or an off-site proctored environment such as labs on campus. Before students can take an exam requiring Respondus, their laptop or computer must first have had the Respondus installer from NMSU installed before proceeding with any online exams that require its usage.

NMSU will provide an installation link for the specialized browser in each course where a proctored exam is required, so students may follow these directions to successfully set up their tool and complete any practice quizzes provided during their first week of classes to make sure it works as intended. Note that only computers with stable internet connections – whether at home, work or NMSU lab computers – may use this specialized browser tool.

What is Respondus Monitor?

Respondus Monitor is a remote proctoring system designed to allow students to take online assessments in an entirely automated environment. Based on LockDown Browser, Respondus monitor uses webcam recording technology during exams as a form of security against printing, copying, accessing other apps/websites/searches etc while taking an exam; recording any potential anomalies for further review by instructors.

Respondus software is free for Xavier students taking quizzes or tests in Canvas that require it. To use the system, students will require access to a computer with webcam and an internet connection; home users should consider how their household network is set up in order to ensure a stable connection; gaming and video streaming activities can significantly drain bandwidth, potentially detracting from an enjoyable experience.

Students should make sure to install Respondus software early enough in advance of any quiz or test requiring it, in order to identify any potential issues with its functionality and provide instructors with an idea of their student experiences. Furthermore, practicing using this tool and getting acquainted with its features will give students an edge during tests or quizzes requiring it.

Respondus Monitor makes creating assessments easy for instructors. Simply set your question type for assessment as “Require Respondus Monitor”, and enable the Webcam Check checkbox if students will take part in a preliminary camera test before sitting their quiz or test.

At the outset of an assessment, it is highly advised that instructors include a short quiz which uses LockDown Browser and Monitor settings in order to familiarize their students with what they will experience during a real assessment. This also gives instructors a great chance to get used to the tool before assigning an exam that requires it, helping them overcome any potential hurdles or troubleshoot any potential problems before beginning this journey.

How do I download Respondus?

Respondus Lockdown Browser Download is a software program that helps ensure the integrity of an online assessment by locking down student computers. Once they begin an exam in their browser, students cannot print, copy, visit another website, use other applications or even leave until their exam submission for grading has been reviewed and approved by an instructor. Often this type of testing is combined with automated proctoring through Respondus Monitor or live remote proctoring through Zoom; alternatively this type of proctoring may even take place live in classroom environments.

Respondus Lockdown Browser makes using exams simple for students. First, ensure they have all of the required equipment – such as a laptop equipped with webcam and microphone – before signing into Canvas and finding a quiz requiring Respondus Lockdown Browser software; instructors should mark such quizzes clearly. Next step should be clicking on its link in Canvas so the exam may commence.

Once they’ve opened the Respondus Lockdown Browser download file, students should follow the installation instructions to install and activate it on their computer. When installed successfully, Respondus Lockdown Browser will launch automatically when students click a quiz in Brightspace that requires its use.

When using software like this one, it is essential to keep in mind that students will be monitored via webcam and microphone. The program can see both virtual content on their device as well as physical surroundings in the room and record actions to detect cheating; additionally, the program can flag any behaviors it suspects might be suspicious and send reports back to instructors.

Respondus poses significant privacy issues for students, invading student privacy by permitting teachers to watch students take tests. Furthermore, its systems have proven vulnerable to being bypassed in order to achieve higher scores by students who find ways around its processes in order to get better scores.

How do I use Respondus?

If a student needs to take an online, non-proctored test that requires Respondus, they should log into their Canvas course and navigate directly to the quiz. From there they should click on the link “Take this Quiz Using LockDown Browser,” open and begin their exam; once complete they should click “Continue”, which will close their browser back and return them back into Canvas course.

If a teacher wants their students to use Respondus, they can add it as a required navigation item in their quiz settings. To do this, create either a Classic Quiz or New Quiz with Respondus as one of its options and select this tool before creating or editing existing quizzes with it. Or they can simply click the gear icon and choose Edit Question Settings when editing existing ones!

This browser restricts students from printing, copying or accessing other web pages or applications while it’s running, as well as taking control of microphone and webcam usage on a computer. While this might seem effective against cheating, students have found ways around it; additionally it breaches privacy standards by creating the sensation that they are under constant surveillance – alternatives include Honorlock and Proctorio as potential alternatives.

Some faculty require their students to use Respondus LockDown Browser when taking exams in Blackboard. If this is required of them, computers equipped with it can be found at Mac Lab (St. Joe Room 103) as well as 3M Resource and Mentoring Center (1st floor). And in Library’s Mac Lab.

Respondus requires students to make sure their equipment is functioning correctly prior to beginning an exam, as well as having a reliable internet connection that will enable it to connect to servers and verify their identities. Furthermore, any programs like Skype should be closed by using Task Manager’s End Process option; should their program continue not working after this step has been taken they should try rebooting their computer instead.

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