Respondus Lockdown Browser Chromebook

Respondus Lockdown Browser Chromebook

Respondus Lockdown Browser Chromebook allows students to take exams on their Chromebooks safely, by restricting print/copy/web access during an exam and restricting students from printing/copy/web browsing or accessing other applications or going elsewhere during assessments.

Instructors may enable this feature for each exam in Canvas, Blackboard Learn, D2L Brightspace and Schoology.


There are various browsers out there in cyberspace, and each is tailored specifically to a particular set of needs. Some examples of popular browsers such as Google Chrome with billions of global users is one option while there are others targeted towards specific markets or uses such as Respondus Lockdown Browser developed specifically for educational institutes that come equipped with features to ensure students remain safe while taking exams.

At its core, this software aims to prevent students from cheating during an exam by disallowing access to other applications on their computer. To do this, the “Minimize” and “Maximize” buttons from browser windows are removed so that students cannot try and hide or switch applications or hide their screen; additionally it prevents students from printing out or taking away assessments off their computers.

Additionally, this software enables students to record their face and voice for identification verification during online exams – this can be especially helpful for those unable to attend assessment centers in person; however, its limitations and bugs must also be considered.

JCCC recently introduced an option enabling students to use Respondus Lockdown Browser during quizzes and assessments delivered in Blackboard Learn. This extension is available to any Chromebook that meets minimum requirements listed below, however during its beta period this feature only works with tests requiring Respondus Monitor, not supporting Quiz Passwords specified through an optional field on LockDown Browser Dashboard.

Students can access this extension on their Chromebooks by following the Respondus Lockdown Browser installation link from Blackboard’s Student Support tab and selecting “Add to Chrome.” Once this has been installed, they should login and navigate directly to an exam which requires Respondus Lockdown Browser or Monitor; when they click on it, their browser will launch automatically.


Respondus Lockdown Browser stands out as an internet browser specifically tailored for educational institutes; it allows students to take exams in an environment free from outside distractions while being tested within controlled settings.

To install the extension, students should log into their myMason or Blackboard student accounts and locate an available test that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser. When an assessment is activated, students will be locked into it and will not have access to other applications or websites during their exam until it is submitted for grading.

Once the test has concluded, students can access their browser using either the Quit Password or by shutting off their device. They should remember to reboot their computer in order to fully exit LockDown Browser mode; this will prevent future log-in attempts as well as ensure no accidental accesses occurred by accidentally accessing a test they hadn’t intended to complete.

Respondus Lockdown Browser also has some other limitations that need to be considered before enrolling in courses using Respondus Lockdown Browser, such as its incompatibility with all Chromebook devices and working properly with some formatives (including some required questions), not working as intended and difficulties submitting quiz answers if all required questions have not been fully completed answered by users.

Though there may be limitations with the browser, it remains an invaluable tool in classrooms. Instructors can utilize it to create more engaging learning experiences for their students while increasing test scores. Furthermore, it allows instructors to monitor students’ progress more closely and offer personalized feedback more easily. It should be noted that this browser is still in beta phase, which means there may be issues encountered from time to time.


Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor’s Chromebook version requires students to install an extension for Google Chrome; however, as it is still in beta testing mode there may be limitations or bugs present at present.

Students using this extension should log into their Chromebooks, open Google Chrome and navigate to a test in Blackboard that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser or Monitor. When clicking on the download link for Respondus Lockdown Browser plugin in Blackboard, a prompt will display stating its requirement – click this and access Chrome web store where extension can be downloaded and installed; once installed close or restart Chrome and start Blackboard before taking test – clicking test title automatically launches Lockdown Browser version specifically designed for Chromebook versions of Lockdown Browser!

Once installed, students won’t be able to print, copy, or access other applications; this helps prevent cheating by isolating and protecting the testing environment from distractions. Furthermore, social media and text messaging will no longer allow students to communicate during an exam session.

Additionally, Respondus Lockdown Browser may present other challenges to students using it, such as being unable to access its Help Center or chat support from the company. It is crucial that they fully comprehend this limitation before attempting an ACC exam using Respondus Lockdown Browser.

Also, Chromebooks with broken power buttons do not support the “Startup Sequence,” forcing students to find alternative methods of shutting down such as software shutdown or pulling the battery if using browser mode for tests or other functions outside browser mode. Finally, “Exam Feedback” feature does not work with this version of the browser; this could cause issues for students needing feedback before submitting assessments for grading; the ACC IT team is working hard on rectifying this situation.


Respondus Lockdown Browser is an exam security solution used by over 2,000 institutes globally and proven to save hundreds of millions of sheets annually by restricting students from printing, copying or visiting certain URLs during an examination. Furthermore, this tool prevents messaging apps being used by fellow students as an attempt at cheating during exams – including by students using them during exams! Furthermore, Respondus can detect if students look behind books or notepads to cheat during an exam!

Installing this tool is relatively simple; all a user needs to do is download and follow the installation instructions for their Chromebook device. After installation, they’ll be ready to take assessments that require Respondus Lockdown Browser assessments on their Chromebook – though there may be certain limitations associated with its use on a Chromebook; students should be aware of any possible constraints before taking their assessments.

If a student is using an older computer, they may need to upgrade their operating system in order to access LockDown Browser. The latest version requires Windows 10S or higher; tablets or laptops using S mode cannot run it, nor can iOS versions 11.0 and higher be supported.

Additionally, students using the browser will require a special password in order to exit. They should familiarize themselves with this code in case any issues arise during testing; should this prove ineffective, reboot your device for best results and ensure all applications have closed down completely before restarting it again.

Students utilizing Lockdown Browser assessments must disable or uninstall all extensions before taking an assessment; this includes Screencastify which should be disabled prior to beginning their assessment as the browser will refuse access if it detects that Screencastify is running on their computer.

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