Respondus Lockdown Browser And Respondus Monitor

Respondus Lockdown Browser And Respondus Monitor

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor are invigilation tools designed to combat cheating during online exams. These custom browsers prevent students from printing, copying, or switching browser tabs during tests – essential safeguards against cheating!

LockDown Browser users should close all other programs prior to starting an exam with it – particularly Chromebook owners.


Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor helps instructors ensure students take online exams in an optimal learning environment. Used in combination with webcam technology, this tool records student actions to detect any instances of cheating or suspicious activity during exams. Instructors can review video footage of test taking sessions from this tool for review before taking further actions (or not). Faculty in Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle or similar learning systems are able to utilize it.

The Lockdown Browser is a tailored browser designed to increase security for non-proctored quizzes in Canvas. When students use this tool, they are unable to print, copy, visit other websites or applications on their computer and close the exam before it has been submitted for grading. Furthermore, right mouse functions are disabled, only basic keyboard commands enabled and Internet access blocked completely; additionally it offers a condensed toolbar featuring only Back, Forward, Information and Refresh buttons with Test Mode as its sole mode of operation – perfect for use on any Windows, Mac or Chromebook computer with webcam connectivity!

Once installed, the browser launches in their preferred browser and guides them through a pre-exam sequence that includes webcam verification. Students can click a link in Canvas or Blackboard to download it; instructors can enable students to take tests on iPad and Chromebook devices by enabling this option within Advanced Settings of an assessment.

Additionally to storing videos on students’ devices for up to a year, this software allows instructors to record audio and video from user computers for monitoring student behavior or oral exams. Once recorded, instructors can review them to identify any suspicious activities that could indicate cheating or other forms of deceitful activity – this functionality makes monitoring student performance easy!

To avoid technical problems during assessments, students should install all necessary tools well ahead of their quiz or exam date. Should any issues arise, students should contact either the Technology Service Desk or instructor and seek their help – any problems should also be reported immediately to either party. In addition, students must not use public or private computers outside of campus that have not been authorized for the course, nor use those without administrative rights on their personal machine.


Respondus Monitor differs from traditional proctoring tools in that it does not rely on live proctoring to detect cheating activities. Instead, Respondus uses fully automated technology with webcam technology installed on students’ computers to detect any potential cheating activities that may take place during an exam session. Respondus uses state-of-the-art AI to detect suspicious activities without necessitating an instructor watching every video of every student taking an exam session; instructors can review videos afterward and flag any behaviors which warrant further examination.

Respondus Monitor is built upon Lockdown Browser, a customized browser designed to lock down testing environments within Canvas. Respondus monitor prevents students from printing, copying, accessing other applications or searching the internet during online assessments. Faculty can conduct live proctoring sessions via any web conferencing platform of their choosing – making this feature ideal for remote students who need extra assurance that their online tests are being taken under appropriate conditions.

Respondus Monitor is not only an effective deterrent against cheating, but is also user-friendly and can be set up quickly. Students simply open their browser and go through a short pre-exam sequence to ensure their machine is ready. Compatible with Windows, Macs, Chromebooks and iPad devices as well as both classic and new quizzes, it makes exam taking simpler!

Even though browsers are designed to block unapproved applications, students have found ways around them. For instance, having multiple devices allows some students to take tests while using another to search online or share images with friends regarding answers they find. Therefore it is imperative that instructors communicate to students the benefits and limitations of this tool in preventing cheating.

To ease students’ transition, instructors are advised to offer practice tests several days before assigning Respondus Monitor assessments. This allows students to download and install Respondus Monitor software and test computer hardware and Internet connections without anxiety-inducing stakes tests, while giving IU and Respondus support the chance to address any potential issues prior to their first real test.


Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor are proctoring systems designed specifically to assist with assessments in D2L courses. They work by remotely proctoring tests by isolating each student’s testing environment within their preferred browser while recording their activities through webcam for monitoring and deterrence of cheating during online assessments.

Once installed, this browser launches automatically when exam settings require it and guides students through a pre-exam sequence with webcam checking – compatible with Windows, Mac and Chromebook devices.

Students can download the Respondus browser from its website. After installing, all other programs should be closed except for the browser they will use to take their test, before logging in to Canvas @ Yale course and finding quiz activity which requires it.

Once they click on the Quiz link, a lockdown browser will launch automatically and display their assessment test in that space. Upon completing their evaluations, this browser will close down automatically and students will return to their original browser where they can log out and resume normal activities.

Instructors should consider the accessibility and assistive technology needs of their students when selecting tools like LockDown Browser. It does not support calculator or spreadsheet functions, or enable extended keyboard functions for adding special symbols or characters; additionally it does not work with text-to-speech software such as Kurzweil 3000.

If you intend on requiring the browser for your assessment, make sure your syllabus reflects this change and inform students of its technological requirements and that a computer with functioning webcam and microphone is necessary to use this tool. IU offers several Carlson Library laptops compatible with this browser. Furthermore, several D2L labs on campus also have it preinstalled on computers.


Respondus Lockdown Browser is a specialized web browser designed to secure student computers during an online exam by blocking access to other web browsers, chat programs, and applications that might obstruct its performance. Available for PCs and Macs alike, Respondus Lockdown Browser works in tandem with Respondus Monitor – which records audio/video during exams – but requires both webcam and microphone access in order to work effectively.

Respondus Monitor is an extension of Lockdown Browser that adds additional security and proctoring features to help combat cheating during non-proctored tests in Canvas. Instructors can enable Respondus Monitor in a quiz or assessment by configuring it so it requires Monitor; once activated, however, Monitor requires use of webcam by students; unfortunately this feature is incompatible with Chromebooks or iPads.

To use Monitor-enabled tests, students need to download Respondus software using the link provided in their quiz or assessment. Installation processes vary based on browser version and operating system of their device, and once finished they must close all other apps/programs before accessing Canvas to take their exam. When done, students can exit Monitor either by clicking on its red X in the top left corner or following its prompt to quit it.

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor may make cheating during an online exam more difficult for students by restricting their ability to print or copy text and disabling the right mouse button. Additionally, this software records video footage of user’s computer and microphone to detect suspicious activity. Students should take care in selecting their environment when testing with this software in order to minimize distractions that could prompt suspicions of cheating; they should make sure their faces are fully visible without being hidden by accessories, as well as that their driver’s license or student id card are visible before beginning testing with this tool.

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