Online Exam Cheating Meme

Online exam cheating is one of the most pervasive forms of academic dishonesty. Students often discover new methods of cheating using digital means; fortunately, modern proctoring software and tech tools can prevent students from engaging in academic misconduct.

Here are 10 creative and effective strategies used by students to subvert online exam monitoring solutions: Impersonation – Students attempt to disarm online monitoring solutions by switching places with someone before or during an exam session.


Impersonation is one of the most widespread forms of exam cheating. Substituting fake identities to take an exam for another individual without their knowledge can have serious repercussions for students as well as school reputations tarnished, so teachers and administrators must remain aware of all methods students employ to cheat exams.

Cheating during online proctored exams is a serious threat to educational institutions. Cheating undermines the credibility of online education and devalues degrees and certifications earned. Furthermore, cheating deprives students the chance to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities – essential components for future academic and professional success. Despite efforts made by educators and testing agencies during exams to protect security measures against cheating; students still find ways around them.

Example: Some students may create virtual machines and use them during tests to search for answers that they send back to their friends afterward. While this technique can be hard to detect with traditional monitoring systems, AI-based proctoring technologies may be more effective; such tools can detect suspicious movements, noises and other indicators of cheating activity.

Doing a cheat test requires sneaking forbidden items such as bottles of water or notebooks into the exam room – such as bottles of water and notebooks. This strategy can help students easily obtain an A on their exams by falsifying lack of water as an excuse for bathroom breaks so that they can open notes or contact friends for help.

Some students attempt to fool proctors during an at-home online exam by recruiting helpers for support during testing. Such techniques may be difficult to detect; however, AI-powered proctoring technology can detect such activities and help prevent cheating by continuously comparing an examinee’s image with that of their registration photo.


Cheating during an online exam is a serious offense that can undermine the reputation of students who take their exams honestly, as well as damage the University. To combat cheating during this type of examination, you should be familiar with various tactics used by cheaters – these tips and tricks will help you spot and avoid them.

One method of cheating an exam is copying, which involves studying other examinees’ answers before trying to replicate them yourself and passing the exam with them. This tactic is frequently employed on standardized exams like GRE and GMAT which are administered at multiple locations worldwide. An alternative means of cheating online exams would be consulting a test bank which contains questions and answers prepared specifically for that examination and available on the Internet so friends and colleagues may share it easily.

Cheating can also occur by using various hardware. Some students hide devices like smart watches or Google glasses during an exam to assist them; other students use smartphones to store notes or formulas or an earpiece which provides remote voice support during an exam; all these methods may be difficult to detect as they can be hidden inside clothing or other accessories.

Some students employ special microphones or headsets to capture instructor audio and then reproduce it on their device, providing another method of cheating an online exam that is often hard for proctoring software to detect.


Students are increasingly finding creative ways to cheat during online exams. These tactics include sending questions directly to an answering service, using gadgets to contact outsiders and even having someone else take their test in their place. Such practices are prohibited during standardized testing and could compromise the validity of results for honest examinees; an active proctoring service with continuous identity verification would be most effective against this form of cheating during an exam session.

An effective online exam should include items that cannot be copied. Computer adaptive testing and restricting access can help deter copycatting, while proctoring should include walking around and observing examinee body language and proctored proctoring with hotline reporting capability can enable examinees to report suspicious behavior quickly and protect test integrity.

Another effective means of cheating an online exam is using a smaller laptop to search for answers. This technique may even work within proctored environments as long as the small laptop does not connect directly with the main computer; however, this approach cannot guarantee success as proctoring software can detect this activity.

Students can use an app that runs in the background to search Google for answers during an online exam, for instance when searching a locked browser. However, certain technical skills must be obtained before using such an application – for instance knowing about platforms and software as well as having enough memory available to run it efficiently.


If you’re an online student seeking ways to cheat on exams, there are various tactics available to you. From technical to more subtle techniques, follow all rules set by the exam and do not share answers or discuss it during an examination; sharing answers could constitute cheating and may result in penalties from administrations.

One of the easiest and safest ways to cheat an exam is through impersonation. This technique can be employed before or during an examination and is considered best-suited to non-proctored tests. Students can pretend they’re someone else when taking tests; usually this involves discussing answers during group chat during an exam; this approach would only suit desperate students who do not wish to get caught.

Cheating during multiple-choice exams requires more technical methods of cheating; one such strategy involves hacking the correct answers by using a computer with two operating systems and web browsers running simultaneously; this enables you to search for answers while proctoring software focuses on only one host system; you could even hide a textbook or smaller laptop and use that instead to search without being caught by proctoring software.

An alternative method of cheating during an online exam is using a tablet computer or second screen as a mirror of your primary screen, which will allow you to search for answers while proctoring software is monitoring eye and head movement. But be wary as proctoring software may detect this activity.

Taking a break

Cheaters still find ways to game the system despite advances in proctoring technology, however. Some students resort to scrawling notes on their palms or taping formulas directly onto their monitors while others take more subtle approaches such as using cell phones during an exam to take pictures of their computer screen or text answers to friends outside the room – though these methods are typically foiled by facial recognition software and keystroke analysis tools.

Students may attempt to sneak out of an exam room during a break and use this time to open their books or contact friends for assistance. Unfortunately, this type of dishonesty can often go undetected as students use excuses such as needing the bathroom or having poor internet connection to make their story believable.

Getting caught cheating on an online exam can have serious repercussions; depending on their school and teacher policies, students may be suspended or even expelled. Teachers and students can take preventive steps by studying for it early to reduce chances of cheating; it will save both parties lots of hassle in the future.

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