Nmsu Respondus Lockdown Browser

Nmsu Respondus Lockdown Browser

Respondus Monitor and LockDown Browser are remote proctoring systems for Canvas, Blackboard Learn, D2L Brightspace, and Schoology tests. These tools are simple to use for students.

Respondus Monitor can be rapidly installed once and then launched from their preferred browser whenever an exam scenario necessitates it. Furthermore, Respondus monitor detects and prevents hundreds of common and sophisticated forms of digital cheating.

Proctoring Services

Students have a variety of options for taking examinations in a secure, closely supervised setting thanks to proctoring services. By ensuring exam integrity and providing information about student performance, proctoring services can not only stop cheating but also improve instructors’ assessment experiences. The University of Akron employed Respondus Monitor for every remote exam in 2021, which is one of many campuses using one proctoring system as standard to save money. 97,508 examination sessions were observed by Respondus!

Students must download a free custom browser that protects their testing environment within an online learning system in order to take fully remote exams. This browser prevents printing, copying, accessing other programs/applications, taking screenshots, or visiting websites other than those listed in the test settings during an exam session. This program is simple for students to install and use; it integrates well with their preferred browser; automatically launches when testing settings demand it; provides webcam monitoring during startup sequence; instructors can review video recordings to detect suspicious behavior or assess risk levels during an examination session;

The Testing Center at NMSU-Alamogordo serves as a liaison between students, professors, and a remote proctoring location when students are outside and using remote computers. The external proctoring site will get the necessary materials and exam instructions from us and will follow up by emailing our teacher to confirm receipt.

When taking exams, students are required to present a photo ID and a secure internet connection. Additionally, their instructor may ask them to bring a calculator and scratch paper. Additionally, video and microphone equipment are required for remote proctoring sites so that it can be confirmed that students are taking proctored examinations while sitting quietly and without interruption in a separate room.

Although students are allowed to use their own computers for online proctoring, many instructors prefer that exams be taken on lab computers provided by the school. This helps prevent problems with the hardware or operating systems on student devices while ensuring a consistent testing environment.


An online proctoring technology called Respondus Monitor was created to help teachers validate students’ identities while reducing the need for in-person proctoring. based on the Respondus LockDown Browser, which prohibits students from printing or copying when taking exams. Respondus Monitor gives educators the ability to report any actions or behaviors that during examination sessions trigger a red flag as well as situations they deem troublesome.

Use of software necessitates a quick and secure internet connection. In order to monitor sessions and make appropriate adjustments, teachers must manually log in to monitor the effects of a slow or erratic connection on students completing exams. We suggest using an ethernet cable rather than a wireless connection to reduce this problem. We also advise students to clear their Internet Explorer (Windows) or Safari (Mac) browsing history before taking a test.

Students must be aware of their computer needs as well as the limits of Monitor and LockDown Browser with regard to accessibility and the use of assistive technology. For instance, screen reader applications like JAWS or Windows-Eyes do not function on Mac versions of LockDown Browser whereas VoiceOver might. Consult this knowledgebase page on accessibility for further details.

In order to find any potential problems and fix them before taking their test or quiz, students should install and become familiar with Respondus tools well in advance of a quiz or exam. The optimal way to use these tools during an exam or quiz must be followed by students, and Monitor can only function while linked to an EduRoam wireless network and a test or quiz is being taken.

materials for students on how to utilize software and get started have been compiled by the Office of Distance Learning and Instructional Technology at UNT. These materials include step-by-step manuals and instructional films. These resources should be used in the classroom by the instructors. The LMS’s Monitor dashboard contains training materials for instructors, and the majority of the institutions that have purchased licenses for this program also provide their faculty webinars, Quick Start Guides, and demonstration films on their institutional websites.

Getting Started

When students take online examinations, Proctorio uses artificial intelligence to keep an eye on them. This software may identify suspicious actions including prolonged off-screen looking or indulging in dubious web activities, as well as the capturing of audio and video and audio/video files. Please be advised, nevertheless, that Proctorio does not guarantee to catch all types of cheating due to an unacceptablely high false-positive rate.

The installation of this program is compatible with Chromebooks, Macs, and PCs. It functions by adding a Google Chrome extension that launches automatically when taking tests for courses. When enabled, this extension stops students from printing, accessing other websites, or using applications while taking a quiz. It also takes screenshots of the student’s computer screen for later reference. Its installation is simple, and once finished, removal is also simple.

Students must have access to a desktop or laptop computer with a functioning webcam and consistent Internet connectivity as well as the Chrome web browser with the Proctorio extension installed as well as the Chrome Proctorio plugin extension for compatibility in order to use Respondus Monitor. Students can use it for free, but they should check the course website for their instructor’s specific criteria before taking an exam. Some professors may demand Respondus Monitor services for all online exams, while others may restrict its use to only certain quizzes or tests.

Students who are using Proctorio should be aware that they will require a private, peaceful area to complete their examinations and quizzes. Students at the Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Rochester campuses may want to check with technology units or libraries on prospective test venues as well. If they are unable to locate such a space on their campus, they might use the Study Space Finder tool or enquire with nearby libraries regarding available rooms. While taking your examinations, bring a tablet or phone so they may easily access any notes created throughout testing on it!

Getting Going

Students can use Respondus Lockdown Browser (RLB) and Respondus Monitor from New Mexico State University to stop cheating on online tests. Additionally, RLB blocks hundreds of common and sophisticated digital cheating techniques like screen recording, instant messaging, keystroke combinations with timers/alerts, as well as browser cache exploits. These tools are available on PC, Mac, and iPad platforms. They restrict users from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications.

Following the instructions in this tutorial, students should first install RLB on their PCs. They should then run it whenever an evaluation calls for it. This procedure should be simple, and students can finish it on their own or with guidance from their instructor.

Students must locate a quiz that uses RLB after installing it in the institution’s learning management system. When that happens, a pop-up window will advise them to utilize RLB and take it by clicking on its desktop icon. When their test is over, participants can click it once more to close it and then go back to their desktop computers.

In order to help students become familiar with it before taking graded assessments, instructors could set up brief mock exams that call for using RLB or Monitor tools. Such ungraded exams give students a chance to get comfortable with it before taking a graded exam, and they’re also a wonderful way to check that it was installed correctly on every machine. The accessibility needs of their pupils must be taken into account by teachers; RLB/Monitor may have restrictions when used in conjunction with screen readers and other accessibility tools.

The NMSU installation can be downloaded from Educat and is offered for Windows and Mac. Students only need to do this and then follow the steps to install their browser. Once this is done, an icon will be added to their desktop, allowing them to use their browser whenever necessary for assessment purposes.

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