

When Russia commenced its invasion of Ukraine, the existence of civilians, including the scientists residing there, was drastically altered.

Andrzej Wierzbicki
Andrzej Wierzbicki

When a global grant was initiated to assist Ukrainian scientists, University of Michigan educator Andrzej Wierzbicki, who hails from Poland, recognized the funding opportunity as a means to provide support to a neighboring nation.

Wierzbicki, an instructor specializing in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, secured a grant from the International Multilateral Partnerships for Resilient Education and Science Systems in Ukraine, abbreviated as IMPRESS-U.

He participates in the Michigan Minds podcast to share insights about his collaboration with colleagues in Poland (Marcin Nowotny from the International Institute of Molecular Cell Biology in Warsaw) and Ukraine (Mykhailo Tukalo of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics in Kyiv) concerning the organization of DNA within plant chloroplasts.

Morgan Sherburne:
Welcome to the Michigan Minds podcast, where we delve into the rich expertise of faculty scholars at the University of Michigan. My name is Morgan Sherburne, a public relations officer at Michigan News. Today, I’m engaging with Andrzej Wierzbicki, a molecular biologist focused on plant genetics. He recently secured a grant to collaborate with scientists from Ukraine and Poland on the organization of DNA within plant chloroplasts.

Andrzej, glad to have you on the Michigan Minds podcast. Could you please elaborate on your area of research and focus?

Andrzej Wierzbicki:
My team at the University of Michigan investigates genes, as our primary interest lies in genetics. Genes are crucial as they encode all the traits of living organisms. They fundamentally dictate how each organism appears, behaves, and functions.

Genes are embedded in DNA, which is an extensive molecule requiring storage solutions. Storing such a lengthy chemical molecule poses significant challenges for any living entity. Storage solutions not only maintain the integrity of DNA—preventing it from being fragmented or harmed—but also facilitate the activation and deactivation of genes as necessary. This process is a core function in living organisms.

Our goal is to comprehend how DNA is organized and packaged. We concentrate on a distinctive location within the cell known as the chloroplast. Chloroplasts are the green organelles present in every plant cell responsible for photosynthesis. This process is vital since nearly all our food originates from photosynthesis, either directly or indirectly via chloroplasts.

Chloroplasts themselves possess a fascinating history. Over a billion years ago, they existed as free-living bacteria capable of photosynthesis, later incorporated into plant cells and evolving to become fundamentally integrated with them. Now, a billion years later, they can no longer survive independently. They form part of the plant cell but retain some characteristics of free-living bacteria, among which retaining their own genome is paramount.

Unfortunately, chloroplast genomes remain extensively understudied, with minimal understanding of their function, particularly concerning their packaging and storage. This gap represents our key research focus at present.

Morgan Sherburne:
Could you outline how this grant is being utilized in your project?

Andrzej Wierzbicki:
The project funded by this grant encompasses two primary components. One aspect occurs at the University of Michigan, where we employ our expertise along with genetic tools and plant molecular biology techniques to discover proteins that attach to DNA within the chloroplast. While some knowledge exists about these proteins, it is by no means a completely unexplored area.

However, our understanding of how proteins specifically interact with certain regions of the genome, while avoiding others, is scant. We anticipate specificity here because gene activity is selective—certain genome segments are highly active while others are inactive. Hence, we know a distinct subset of proteins is responsible for binding to active genes versus a different subset that organizes inactive regions.

We aim to implement a technique known as proximity labeling to identify proteins associated with both actively transcribed genes and those that are silenced, in order to better grasp how DNA packaging influences gene activity when necessary and gene inactivity when it’s not.

Our collaborators will contribute their expertise in structural biology. They specialize in understanding protein and nucleic acid structures, determining what these components look like and how their configurations impact protein function. They will utilize their proficiency and techniques to analyze the structures of DNA-binding proteins in the chloroplast and characterize these proteins’ biochemical properties, such as their binding affinity, interaction strength, and sequence specificity, ultimately striving to illuminate the role of these proteins.

Morgan Sherburne:
Could you provide more details about your scientific collaborators in Poland and Ukraine?

Andrzej Wierzbicki:
The Polish collaborator, Dr. Marcin Nowotny, is affiliated with the International Institute of Molecular Cell Biology in Warsaw. He specializes in protein structural biology, focusing on the shape and behavior of proteins, employing cutting-edge techniques such as x-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy.

The institution where he conducts research is quite notable. It stands as one of the very few research entities that were established following the conclusion of communism in Poland. They successfully built a new research institution from the ground up, achieving remarkable success by attracting Poland’s top talent and offering exceptional opportunities.

has been appointed to work on the project, and we are in the process of establishing our methodologies and protocols to ensure a solid foundation moving forward.

Additionally, we have initiated conversations with our Ukrainian colleagues to integrate their insights seamlessly into our project design. It’s crucial for us to align our objectives early on so that we can harness their expertise efficiently. We’re optimistic about the progress made so far, but recognize that much work lies ahead.

Morgan Sherburne:
That sounds promising. What specific aims do you envision for the project as you move forward?

Andrzej Wierzbicki:
Our primary aim is to enhance collaboration between Polish and Ukrainian research teams by facilitating knowledge exchange and skill development. We hope to create an environment where both parties can thrive and innovate together. By doing so, we aspire to foster resilience within the scientific community in Ukraine, and empower researchers to confront the significant challenges they face.

Moreover, we intend to develop joint research initiatives that spotlight critical areas of study, which can benefit from the synergy between our institutions. It’s essential to drive impactful findings and ensure that researchers in Ukraine have the resources and support necessary to pursue their inquiries.

We foresee this as a long-term endeavor that will not only enhance scientific exploration but also contribute to building strong networks that sustain both Polish and Ukrainian academic contributions to the global scientific landscape.

Morgan Sherburne:
It’s great to hear about your long-term vision. What are the immediate challenges you anticipate, and how do you plan to address them?

Andrzej Wierzbicki:
One of the immediate obstacles we face is the ongoing instability caused by the conflict, which impacts communication and collaboration. It’s vital for us to maintain open channels and utilize technology effectively to keep the partnerships thriving despite these difficulties. We are organizing regular virtual meetings to ensure transparency and ongoing dialogue.

Another challenge is securing consistent funding and resources for ongoing initiatives. We’re actively seeking out various grant opportunities while also encouraging our Ukrainian partners to develop their local funding mechanisms. This dual approach aims to ensure sustainability in our projects and minimize disruptions due to funding shortages.

Lastly, we recognize that emotional and psychological impacts from the war can affect productivity. We aim to acknowledge these challenges openly and provide support when possible. Being sensitive to the situations researchers are navigating can help create a supportive atmosphere conducive to collaboration.

In my team, Yoonjin Cho is developing novel genetic tools for the technique referred to as proximity labeling to discover these new proteins that interact with the chloroplast genome. We are quite enthusiastic about this. She’s making significant headway. This is a very high-risk approach, exceedingly demanding, and highly innovative. We are eagerly anticipating some initial pilot results hopefully within the coming month.

The international collaborators are engaged in producing and analyzing a preliminary set of candidate proteins. This phase is still quite early, and we are in the initial planning phase for personal exchanges. A trip is being planned for Ukrainian scientists to travel to Warsaw for training in cryo-electron microscopy. However, this remains a substantial aim to transfer this technique to Kiev.

We are also organizing a symposium for the project’s participants, likely set for 2026. We are hopeful that this event could take place in Ukraine, probably not in Kiev, perhaps in Western Ukraine. If that is not feasible, then it may occur in Eastern Poland. This is still in the early planning phases.

Morgan Sherburne:
Can you elaborate a bit on how each institute within the grant is assisting one another?

Andrzej Wierzbicki:
We at U of M presented the biological inquiry. We persuaded our colleagues that the methodologies they are familiar with could be extremely useful in addressing questions and clarifying mechanisms that we are exploring.

As for our Polish and Ukrainian partners, they specialize in structural biology. Their role will be to assist us in examining chloroplast proteins utilizing approaches that our group isn’t particularly familiar with. Having access to those methodologies will undoubtedly be advantageous for our research.
Another key objective of the project is for the Ukrainian team to acquire skills in cryo-electron microscopy, the most contemporary and widely-used method for studying protein structures. This technique is already well-established at the institute in Poland. Unfortunately, the institute in Kiev currently does not have access to this method. They will learn the experimental components as well as data analysis and interpretation.

We anticipate that the results will lead to advancements in our research, answers to biological inquiries, and the development of publications that we are aiming for, along with the transfer of expertise, particularly to the Ukrainian partner.

We are hopeful that another outcome will be the training of several junior scientists in Ukraine, who will become acquainted with how research is conducted at U of M and the workings of modern science. This exposure could provide them with the opportunities to thrive and become independent researchers in the future.

Additionally, we plan for our Ukrainian partner to have a chance to visit our facilities here at U of M. We are organizing a visit for him to U of M next year, and also the institute in Warsaw, which is likely an even better example.

I don’t believe we stand in a position to impart lessons, and I trust they understand how to manage research. Nevertheless, this opportunity to observe how we operate here at U of M, along with the practices at the Warsaw institute, will hopefully assist them in navigating their future and perhaps avoiding some of the missteps we have made, leading to the establishment of even stronger and more productive institutions.

Morgan Sherburne:
Could you provide an overview of the research initiative spearheaded by NSF that funded your grant?

Andrzej Wierzbicki:
Certainly. It is known as the International Multilateral Partnership for Resilient Education and Science System in Ukraine, or IMPRESS-U for short. The partners include the United States, Ukraine, and four Central European nations that are part of NATO and the European Union: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The program aims to achieve research excellence through international cooperation and assist in integrating Ukrainian scientists into the global research community.

There are some specific objectives, especially given the current difficulties in Ukraine. The program is designed to be resilient, enabling us to progress even if conditions worsen. We focus on preparing Eastern European scientists to flourish in the international research environment, essentially to work, communicate, and think like contemporary scientists. We also aspire to aid in the establishment of modern research institutions in Eastern Europe, particularly in Ukraine.
Each partner nation has its own funding resources. It is essential to understand that the funding from US taxpayers exclusively supports research at the University of Michigan, whereas Polish and Ukrainian collaborators have their own funding avenues.

Morgan Sherburne:
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Michigan Minds podcast.

Andrzej Wierzbicki:
I appreciate the invitation.

Morgan Sherburne:
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Michigan Minds, produced by Michigan News, a division of the university’s Office of the Vice President for Communications.

Wierzbicki elucidates his research

“My team at U-M investigates genes. We are focused on genetics because genes are crucial as they encode all traits of organisms. They determine how each organism appears, functions, and behaves,” Wierzbicki stated.

“We aim to comprehend how DNA is stored and organized, concentrating on a very specialized area within the cell, which is the chloroplast. Chloroplasts are the green organelles located within every plant cell. They are responsible for photosynthesis, which is vital. Nearly everything we consume originates from photosynthesis and fundamentally comes from the chloroplast, either directly or indirectly.

“Chloroplasts have a unique evolutionary background. Over a billion years ago, they functioned as free-living bacteria capable of photosynthesis, which were eventually incorporated into plant cells. Over time, they became highly integrated into the plant cell structure. More than a billion years later, they can no longer survive independently.”

Michigan Minds is produced by Greta Guest and hosted by Michigan News staff. Jeremy Marble is the audio engineer, and Hans Anderson provides social media animations. Listen to all episodes of the podcast.

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