Lockdown Browser Test

Computer-based tests/examinations offer many advantages to both students and instructors. Instructors can set a quiz/test that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor by visiting its Options page.

Students attempting a test that requires RLDB must first follow the instructions to download and install it onto their computers – an easy and quick process that should not delay test taking.

What is Lockdown Browser?

Essentially, a restricted browser is one that has been stripped of features like tabs and keyboard shortcuts to prevent cheating during tests. While it still functions like any regular browser, access to certain programs such as instant messaging or screen capture software has been prohibited as well as using their phone or other devices that could potentially aid them cheating during these exams.

Software such as Respondus Monitor can be invaluable when used for online exam proctoring, providing students with access to both automated and live proctored testing options simultaneously – saving both time and stress for them! Automated testing also enables proctors to keep an eye on what is happening during an examination and quickly address any potential issues or delays quickly.

Lockdown Browser, when used with Respondus Monitor, records audio and video of test-takers during exams. This allows proctors to detect cheating by alerting when students clearly use an unapproved device such as phones or other non-approved items; speaking outside of the exam room without permission; taking physical notes during an online test or engaging in illegal behavior during it – such as taking paper notes during an exam online test! Furthermore, this also gives students an extra safeguard should technical issues arise during online exams.

Respondus Monitor and Lockdown Browser is designed for students enrolled at institutions using learning management systems; students should log in and navigate directly to their test. Once there, they’ll be asked to download and launch Respondus Lockdown Browser app which looks similar to regular web browser but with certain key features disabled or removed – such as menus and accessing stop, back, forward, and refresh buttons – before taking their exam.

Prior to taking their exam, students should close all programs that may interfere with proctoring. Once in Lockdown Browser window, follow any instructions given in order to complete pre-exam checks such as agreeing with terms of usage, showing ID documents, providing their working environment details and performing facial detection checks.

How do I use Lockdown Browser?

Students taking exams with Lockdown Browser and Monitor must click the link provided by their instructor in Canvas in order to install and set up the software on their computer. Once this step has been completed, several steps including terms of use, webcam check and instructions will take place before taking their examination as instructed.

Once a test begins, its browser becomes locked so no other applications or webpages can access or close it. Students cannot print, copy or visit other websites during assessment and cannot leave until their quiz has been submitted for grading by instructors. Instructors can view recordings that include footage of each student participating during assessment.

Students using Lockdown Browser cannot access other applications or the internet while taking an exam with it, except the calculator it comes equipped with. Hyperlinks within tests work properly but will not navigate away from them on the web. If an instructor allows it, facial detection checks may also be implemented so as to ensure no one else uses their computer instead of them.

Instructors looking for a safer learning experience can require their students to use Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor during all assessments in their course. Instructors can activate this feature from within a quiz’s Settings or by creating a new exam in Canvas; when enabled, this setting adds a prompt that states the quiz must be taken in this browser instead of any standard browsers.

When starting their quiz in their browser, students will be asked to agree to the terms of use and perform a webcam check to make sure their camera is working correctly. With instructor permission, they may opt to have video footage recorded of themselves being assessed during an assessment; instructors in class can view this recording. Otherwise, once finished with their exam they may close this window and return back to normal browsing behavior –

How do I set up a test with Lockdown Browser?

As online testing becomes more prevalent, universities and other institutions must ensure exam fraud does not threaten their reputations. Lockdown browser is an invaluable solution that can prevent student cheating by locking down computers to prevent accessing other apps or websites while they take an online test.

Lockdown Browser requires students to first download it on their computer. After it has been installed, they can log into Blackboard and locate a test they need to take; when clicking it they will be prompted to launch Respondus Lockdown Browser app which displays it as a window on their screen that cannot be minimized or switched away from, and alerts if any screen capture or instant messaging apps are running and requires them to close them so as to continue the assessment.

The test will resemble a web browser but with certain features disabled or removed. Students won’t be able to right-click, select menu items or print/copy text during this exam but will still have access to Back, Forward and Refresh buttons as they utilize these tests for grading purposes. They cannot navigate away from this browser until their test has been submitted for grading and cannot exit until their submission deadline has passed.

Instructors wishing to mandate that their students use the LockDown Browser browser can do so by creating a test and selecting “Require LockDown Browser” under Test Tools in Canvas. After doing this, they can add a link that directs students directly to it as well as instructions on how to download and install it in their course page for that particular test.

How do I give a test with Lockdown Browser?

As online education becomes more and more widespread, cheating has become an increasing problem for students. Luckily, Respondus Lockdown Browser helps level the playing field by making it harder for them to cheat during exams.

Respondus Lockdown Monitor is one such tool, enabling instructors to keep an eye on student test-taking and detect suspicious behavior. We will explore how Respondus Lockdown Monitor can be used in your testing environment to maintain fair testing conditions and stop cheating from taking place on exams.

First, create your quiz in WebCampus and enable LockDown Browser as the prerequisite. Next, access Advanced Settings to configure additional test-taking options – for instance requiring students complete a startup sequence and record their environment using their webcam; or restricting them from exiting and reentering until either they submit their answers or the time has elapsed.

Start up sequences can provide a convenient way for teachers and educators to tailor messages specifically tailored for each of their students that appear when they click the Start button, display warnings if a webcam isn’t fully activated, and require that other programs such as Skype, Google Desktop or their personal browsers close prior to launching Lockdown Browser program.

Once your options have been set up, click Save and Close. Your students will then be prompted to download and install LockDown Browser before being asked to complete a startup sequence and log in to Blackboard.

Attempts by students to leave before an exam has concluded or fail to close it after its allotted time will result in an error message, disallowing reentry of their test. To prevent this from occurring, advanced settings for your test can enforce startup sequence and disallow reentry reentry options for your exam.

Respondus LockDown Browser/Respondus Monitor software also allows students to utilize screen reader accessibility programs like JAWS or Windows-Eyes by selecting this option in its Advanced settings. Please be aware that doing this lowers its security level significantly.

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