Lockdown Browser For Nbt

Each online NBT test session typically lasts approximately 3 hours. Bathroom breaks may last no more than five minutes in length and laptops/computers must not enter sleep/screen saver mode during this test session.

Learners must complete a compulsory simulation prior to their test day on Wednesday. This simulation includes Photo ID verification and Lockdown Browser download in order to prevent unexpected issues on test day.


Students wishing to utilize Lockdown Browser for an online test should first install and configure it on their computers. A link is available when clicking a quiz in Canvas requiring its use; Windows and Mac computers alike are compatible with this software program, though Windows users must close any background programs to ensure it functions as expected before beginning an exam session.

Software designed to combat cheating works by restricting students from printing, taking screenshots of their screens or accessing other websites or applications during an exam, as well as recording video footage to verify identity and verify attendance at exams. Universities and other educational institutions employ this tool in order to provide safe environments in which to take an online examination without disruptions or distractions; though UB doesn’t mandate its use per se; many instructors insist upon its implementation for their students.

Even though the National Biology Test (NBT) has been postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic, its online tests can still be taken using the Respondus lockdown browser. This software prevents cheating by restricting students’ access to other applications during exams; furthermore it blocks access to notes or books while an exam is taking place and keeps internet use down while an exam is ongoing.

Students should login 30 minutes early to their session to allow their browsers to download files and prepare their devices for testing. In addition, a fully charged battery and at least 500MB of available data should be present on their device for the test. Furthermore, mobile hotspot or USB modem connections must remain connected via wired Ethernet during the exam in order to avoid dropped or interrupted connections as well as screensaver or sleep modes being enabled during their exam session.

Close all programs not necessary during a test, including iTunes and media managers, Bittorent clients, instant messengers and instant message services like AIM/ICQ etc. In rare instances, these applications can cause the software to freeze up or stop responding – something which can be very disruptive when trying to study for a test that counts!

Test day

The National Business Test is an entrance exam to universities taken online. This proctored environment includes real-time communication with an adviser through chat function during each exam session. Students must complete a simulation on Wednesday prior to test day; this simulates photo and ID verification while downloading Lockdown Browser – to ensure there are no technical difficulties on test day.

Lockdown Browser for NBT works to prevent cheating by blocking access to other web browsers and instant messaging programs while taking an online exam. Furthermore, this free program prevents students from printing or closing an exam until it has been submitted for grading – something PCs and Macs alike are capable of doing without error. However, students must ensure they have enough data available as it could take up to 500MB for download alone! Additionally, students should ensure they bring along an electrical charger or portable charger along with them and bring along water for refreshment during their exams!

On the day of their exam, students should login at least 30 minutes early in order to give themselves enough time for downloading Lockdown Browser and being ready for testing. Sessions last three hours and it is vital that students remain logged-in during this period so as to prevent any software-related issues arising during testing; additionally they should ensure their device remains connected to both power source and data throughout.

For optimal results, students should connect to Canvas using an Ethernet connection instead of wireless or mobile hotspots for best results. This will give them the strongest and most stable internet connection and reduce chances of interruption during a test. Bringing water or another source of liquid refreshment with them might also be useful; students may require breaks throughout their test.


Students are required to participate in a Lockdown Browser simulation on the Wednesday prior to taking their exam, which includes photo and ID verification as well as downloading of Lockdown Browser software. This simulation ensures familiarity with Lockdown Browser software as well as any potential issues they might come across on test day and provides them with a chance to resolve any potential problems before taking their examination.

Students taking the NBT online must use a computer that meets minimum device requirements. Furthermore, an Ethernet connection must also be available and they must close any other programs utilizing Internet or Java before beginning an examination – including media players, Bittorrent file sharing software, instant messaging programs and media players. Students using laptops are advised to unplug their power cables or batteries if taking part in this examination.

If a student cannot access their National Bridge Test exam links, they should first check the security settings on their Internet Explorer browser. If these settings are incorrectly set up, clearing errors could take several minutes and delay starting time – in such a scenario they should contact their instructor as soon as possible to communicate any delays to starting on time.

On occasion, Lockdown Browser may stop responding or lock up student’s computers due to conflicting programs running simultaneously on them – including media players like iTunes or Windows Media Player; file sharing programs like Bittorrent; or instant messaging services – such as instant messengers such as AIM/IM. Such applications can usually be disabled through task tray/application menu or Dell Dock.

Students taking an NBT exam should utilize an Ethernet connection in order to achieve the strongest and most stable connection to Canvas servers and reduce the chance that their Internet will become interrupted during an exam. An Ethernet connection is especially crucial if taking a long exam that requires saving answers, moving onto new questions quickly or exiting. Wireless modem and mobile hotspot connections should also be avoided since these could drop or be interrupted more easily than an Ethernet one.


Lockdown Browser works on PCs, Macs, and Chromebooks alike; however, issues may arise when used for online exams. Students may notice their browser stopping responding or being unable to access additional course content; in such cases it is advised to perform a hard reboot (disconnecting all cables/batteries if applicable) which should address the problem quickly.

Lockdown Browser works beyond just locking down a browser by also restricting other background processes from running, and blocking screen savers and sleep modes from activating during an exam. This feature is extremely beneficial to online proctoring as it helps avoid cheating or unplanned interruptions during an online test, protect student privacy, and limit misuse of technology – but students should still remain mindful of its limitations before taking an exam online.

An effective way to combat cheating is through webcam proctoring, where a teacher reviews students during exams using remote proctoring software and monitors video footage to observe how closely students follow test procedures. Although this form of remote proctoring might take more time and effort than others, it remains an effective solution against cheating.

Before taking an online exam, it’s essential that you prepare by downloading Respondus Lockdown Browser and ensuring you have an Ethernet connection. This will reduce the chances of dropped or interrupted connections with Canvas servers which tend to require more bandwidth than browsing normal Internet pages. Furthermore, avoid wireless, USB modem, or mobile hotspot connections during the examination session.

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