Lockdown Browser And Webcam

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor, its webcam proctoring tool, provide an additional layer of security for online exams. Combining video and screen capture technology, they help prevent cheating during online tests.

Instructors can request Monitor services for any quiz or test taken through Blackboard, including non-proctored exams on iPads or Chromebooks.

How to Install

Respondus Lockdown Browser And Webcam is a secure custom browser designed to assist students taking exams in Canvas without being able to print, copy, access other applications or leave the computer during an exam or navigate away from it to another URL. Available for both PCs and Macs alike, Respondus lockdown can be installed on any computer with Internet access; simply navigate to Blackboard Student Support tab and click link appropriate to your operating system version to download Respondus lockdown browser.

Once the RLDB installer is downloaded, locate it on your computer and double-click to launch it. A pop-up window will ask you to agree to its license agreement before selecting an installer folder location. When completed, a message box will inform you that RLDB was successfully installed.

Use of RLDB should only occur on personal and laboratory computers, rather than MASON classroom workstations or public workstations, since its presence may create potential IT infrastructure issues.

RLDB not only safeguards test environments, but it will also record video and audio while you take an exam. This feature can be especially helpful for exams taking place outside a proctored setting where instructors cannot monitor the exam process closely enough; recordings can provide evidence against students cheating by accessing non-provided questions from question pools or monitoring another laptop screen during an exam session.

After installing and passing any necessary systems checks, Respondus Lockdown Browser allows you to take an exam online in the browser. As soon as you launch it, a Startup Sequence begins that verifies both your identity and testing environment – including webcam checks as well as meeting other requirements set by instructors like showing identification or providing short video footage of testing area – starting an exam session and recording data that allows instructors to later review session recordings to determine whether students cheated during an examination.

Getting Started

Every week, thousands of students use Lockdown Browser and Webcam to record their online test session and combat cheating while protecting academic integrity. These tools form part of a suite of proctoring tools available to instructors that they can incorporate into classroom environments.

Lockdown Browser and Webcam requires students to have a computer equipped with webcam, functioning microphone, broadband Internet connectivity and browser that has been updated with the most up-to-date version. Once these conditions have been fulfilled, students can log into Canvas courses and begin taking quizzes or exams.

Students can download their browser from either their institution’s website, or an instructor may provide them with a link in Canvas course. Once downloaded, it will reside in their application folder; after double-clicking it they should follow any onscreen instructions to launch it.

Students using Chrome browsers are instructed to close any applications or websites which could interfere with testing before starting up the browser and beginning to record both audio and visuals from their screen and audio feeds. They won’t be able to print, copy or access other applications or websites until their exam has been graded for submission.

The browser will prompt the student to review and agree to the Terms of Use before testing to ensure their camera is working correctly. After this step is taken, Startup Sequence begins recording their face for the duration of their exam.

Instructors can view students’ reports in Canvas by selecting Class Results, where they can filter to view only students with high or low review priority, while clicking thumbnails within the report highlights any suspicious video clips during quizzes or exams that might indicate suspicious activity – this allows instructors to contact individual students about any concerns regarding their performance or with questions or inquiries regarding Respondus Monitor and Lockdown Browser performance. Interested instructors can visit Respondus website where demonstration videos and quick start guides can be viewed for more information.


Lockdown Browser and Webcam provides an efficient means of proctoring an online exam, but sometimes issues arise with its software. Such problems could stem from any number of factors including browser bugs, camera settings on your computer or privacy preferences – to troubleshoot these issues follow some basic steps; if that fails then move onto more advanced methods.

One common issue with Lockdown Browser is when it stops responding during the pre-exam webcam check. This issue may be due to programs running in the background on your computer such as Spotify or a VPN service or programs using your camera like Skype or Zoom; closing such programs before beginning your quiz may help; another option would be restarting your PC.

Mac users may need to update their camera driver. This can be achieved by opening Lockdown Browser app, clicking on the globe-shaped “i” icon in the toolbar and choosing to “check for updates.” Once notified of updates available for installation, follow on-screen instructions until updated version has been installed and attempt taking your exam again.

Some antivirus programs may mistakenly identify Lockdown Browser installer as malware and block it, leading to its installation becoming inoperable or corrupted. To resolve this, either disable your anti-virus program altogether or update it with more up-to-date version(s).

An effective quiz experience requires having access to a reliable high-speed Internet connection – preferably wired. Mobile hotspots or phone data connections may prove unreliable or slow; by having a high-speed connection in place, your quiz should proceed without interruptions.

Your course navigation also offers the It’s not Working link for troubleshooting tips and 24/7 Live Chat Help, while students can visit Canvas Lockdown Browser page to obtain further assistance with technical issues. Furthermore, syllabus policies should outline the need for high-speed Internet connections that use a wired connection rather than mobile hotspot or phone connections.

Final Words

Respondus Lockdown Browser is a custom web browser designed to keep students focused solely on taking online assessments without accessing other websites, applications or features of their computer while doing so. Available for Windows, Mac and Chromebooks users alike, it prevents students from using their mouse or keyboard for anything other than responding to questions presented to them during these assessments.

Lockdown browsers feature several security features designed to create a safe testing environment for students, including disabling start buttons, system trays and menu bars; being unable to display network connectivity status or battery power levels; disabling keystroke combinations, screen grabs, function keys and right-click menus in addition to right-click menus, all designed to prevent cheating by restricting students accessing other applications or websites during exams.

Respondus Monitor adds an extra level of security to lockdown browser. Once activated on a quiz, this feature records video footage of students taking it. Instructors can then review these videos to assess if any suspicious actions took place during testing.

Though some students have complained about lockdown browser and monitor programs, it appears they will remain an essential way of protecting academic integrity. Although cheaters will still find ways around such measures, these should help significantly decrease instances of academic dishonesty.

Student’s should find using the lockdown browser straightforward: They simply log in with their Andrew credentials and select which course they wish to take a quiz in, click ‘Take the Quiz’, enter their correct password, follow instructions from screen and answer all questions provided on quiz, exit browser by clicking red X in top left corner and return back to normal browser setup once completed.

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