

Response: You can utilize Python’s built-in sorted() method combined with the lambda function to arrange a dictionary by its value in Python.

Dictionaries in Python are versatile data structures that allow you to hold data in pairs consisting of keys and their corresponding values. There are occasions when values need to be arranged according to keys instead of their own values. Organizing a dictionary by value assists in maintaining the organization of your data, facilitating various tasks.

Reasons to Arrange a Dictionary by Value: Organizing dictionaries by value enhances data evaluation and depiction, rendering information more comprehensible and accessible. For instance, if your dictionary keys represent student names while the values denote their grades, sorting the dictionary based on grades can aid in recognizing top achievers.

Table of Contents:

Methods to Arrange a Dictionary by Value in Python

Several techniques can be employed to carry out the sorting process in a Python dictionary. Some of these approaches are detailed below with illustrations:

Method 1: Using sorted() Function to Arrange a Dictionary in Python

The sorted() function organizes a dictionary based on its keys or values. You can apply ‘sorted(dictionary.items())’, where ‘items()’ will yield the key-value pairs as tuples. This method allows you to determine whether to sort based on keys or values, and the Reverse parameter will dictate if the sorting should occur in ascending or descending order.

1. Arranging a Dictionary in Ascending Order

For example: Consider a list of students along with their names and respective marks. grades = {‘Priya’: 85, ‘Roy’: 90, ‘Chahar’: 78, ‘Praveen’: 92}. To organize this data by values in ascending order, use sorted() along with a lambda function as shown below.



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Sorted Dictionary in Ascending Order Output

It can be observed that the dictionary is organized by values in a rising order.

2. Ordering a Dictionary in Descending Sequence

To arrange the dictionary by values in a descending sequence, simply include the reverse = True parameter into the sorted() function.



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Sorted Dictionary in Descending Sequence output

3. Managing Duplicate Values in a Dictionary

When organizing a dictionary containing duplicate values, which means it has multiple entries with identical values, the sorting will preserve the original order of the data as it was initially arranged. This is referred to as “stable” sorting.


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Identical Values in a Dictionary Output

In this example, you will notice that the values 'a' and 'c' possess the same elements, yet their sequence remains unchanged within the dictionary.

4. Simultaneously Sorting by Key and Value

Should you desire to sort a dictionary based on both key and value, you can achieve this by further tailoring the key function. For example, if the objective is to prioritize sorting by value followed by key, you could implement the following.


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Key and Value Simultaneously Output

The key=lambda item:(-item[1],item[0]) prioritizes sorting by value in descending order; if identical values occur, it resorts to sorting by key in ascending order.

Method 2: Utilizing for loop() to Arrange a Dictionary in Python

A for loop() can be used to traverse through the sorted elements of a dictionary. Begin with sorting the dictionary through sorted() on dictionary.items(), then loop through the sorted outcome using a for loop to exhibit the sorted value pairs.


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Sort a Dictionary in Python output

In this instance, the products.items() transforms the dictionary into a collection of tuples, where each tuple consists of a product and its price in rupees. lambda item: (item[1], item[0]):item[1] arranges by price in ascending order, which is in rupees .item[0] organizes by product name alphabetically when prices are equal. The for loop() subsequently prints the arranged products with their prices in rupees.

Method 3: Using Bubble Sort() for Sorting a Dictionary in Python

Consider an example of a shopping list. In this case, we will sort a dictionary of grocery products along with their prices using Bubble Sort. The items will be arranged first by price in ascending order, and if two items share the same price, they will be sorted by name in alphabetical order.


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Utilizing Bubble Sort() to Organize a Dictionary in Python Result

Initially, as we discussed, sorting needs to be done by Price. As observed, the list is organized in ascending order based on price. Next, the sorting by Name takes place. During the Bubble Sort procedure, the algorithm consistently compares neighboring elements in the list and exchanges them if needed to preserve the correct sequence.

Method 4: Utilizing Key OrderedDict to Organize a Dictionary in Python

OrderedDict serves as another approach to organize the dictionary. This will sustain the sequence of the items during the sorting process. When combined with the orderedDict and sorted() function, it sorts the entries while maintaining their order.


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OrderedDict for Organizing a Dictionary in Python Result

The OrderedDict preserves the sequence of items as inserted. Following the sorting, the dictionary keeps the redefined order of items. The sorted() function is utilized to organize the items based on price and name.

Method 5: Employing NumPy

Sorting a Dictionary in Python

NumPy is utilized to arrange a dictionary based on scores, ensuring that the connection between names and scores remains intact. Numpy employs arrays, hence the dictionary is initially transformed into an array, which is then sorted according to the specified condition.


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Using NumPy to Sort a Dictionary in Python Output

Since it is NumPy, the values are initially organized in ascending order according to their scores, and after sorting, NumPy converts the arrays back into dictionaries to preserve the key-value relationship.


Sorting can be efficiently accomplished with the sorted() function, facilitating the effective rearrangement of your data. It allows you to sort your information according to your specified criteria, either in ascending or descending order, and it manages duplicate entries by keeping their original arrangement. Organizing your dictionary by value enhances the operational efficiency of the data.

The post How to Sort a Dictionary by Value in Python? appeared first on Intellipaat Blog.

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