How To Prevent Cheating With Online Exams

How To Prevent Cheating With Online Exams

Online proctoring can be a useful way of combatting cheating during tests; however, students have become adept at finding creative ways of cheating in online exams.

Some strategies include installing browser lock software, restricting new tabs, disabling screen sharing and using voice detection technology – however these measures cannot always be effectively executed and can easily be bypassed by someone looking for ways around them.

1. Restrict access to third-party websites

One of the main ways students cheat on online exams is by accessing third-party websites with answers. To prevent this, schools can employ tools that block access to these sites during an exam period.

An effective way to combat cheating with online exams is limiting the devices students can use during an examination. This prevents students from using smartphones to search for answers, take screenshots or utilize other means of cheating during an exam. Furthermore, some proctoring software employs voice detection in an exam proctoring process in order to detect suspicious activity during online examinations; it detects keywords like “Hey Siri” or “OK Google,” alerting remote proctors instantly that there may be possible criminal behavior taking place and sending alerts back immediately to ensure proper intervention by live proctors immediately.

Finally, some online exam security systems also attempt to detect cheaters by detecting patterns of behavior that indicate suspicious activity – such as looking away from the screen or repeatedly clicking on questions – which may indicate suspicious activities such as cheating. Although such technology can be useful, its implementation requires expensive face-tracking software which many schools cannot afford to implement.

Impersonation is one of the primary forms of cheating in online exams, where students ask someone else to take their exam on their behalf. Exam proctoring software uses automated monitoring and ID verification technology to prevent this form of cheating; it can also reduce cheating when administered at different times around the globe; however, this method doesn’t work well with online exams as it limits testing window flexibility while not addressing other forms of cheating such as proxy testing.

2. Limit the number of questions that can be answered at once

One of the primary ways students cheat on exams is by sharing answers with others. This may take the form of writing out all or portions of an exam on paper or using online tools that enable real-time sharing so students can get what they need quickly.

One way of doing so is by changing up the question types and formats during an exam so that students cannot easily pass answers among themselves. Instead of multiple choice questions, use open-ended ones that require longer responses – this prevents cheating by copying other student responses.

Another way to combat this problem is limiting how long students can spend answering each question, helping to keep their attention focused on answering without searching online for solutions. Unfortunately, this can present challenges for those taking their exams over an extended period.

Students frequently attempt to cheat by accessing the internet during an exam or taking screenshots. While this may be difficult for proctors to detect, schools can still protect the integrity of assessments by restricting browser access, disabling new tabs during an assessment, prohibit screen sharing during assessments and employ other digital measures designed to stop cheating during online exams.

3. Limit the amount of time that can be spent on each question

One common strategy to prevent cheating in online exams is limiting how much time can be spent on each question. While this approach may sound good, its implementation can be tricky because students take exams at different speeds depending on factors like language experience, personality and accommodations (Foothills 2017). Doing this may make some honest students unnecessarily stressed out or anxious; this could increase their chance of cheating through copying questions from another student’s paper or searching homework help websites (Foothills 2017).

To prevent this from happening, set limits on how long students can spend answering each question. If a student spends too long answering one, the program will display a clock picture to let them know it’s time to move onto the next. This ensures they answer each one based on what they already know.

Some instructors employ various strategies to deter students from cheating during online exams, such as the use of virtual proctoring services with remote monitoring to record candidates’ workspace and look out for suspicious activity; or setting browser lock to restrict student accessing the internet during testing or using resources like books and notebooks during examination; finally they may require face-to-face exams for high risk students which prohibit sharing questions or answers during an examination session.

4. Remind students of academic integrity policies before the exam

Remind students when taking an online exam that the same rules as in classroom settings apply – this will reduce instances of cheating due to surprise, frustration or unfairness.

Remind students about the purpose of the exam, the knowledge they are expected to display, and skills necessary for passing it successfully. Remind students that using solutions from past assignments, posting answers online or sharing course material with other students violates Lehigh’s academic integrity policies.

Before each exam, students should sign and agree to all Lehigh’s academic integrity policies in a document which serves as a reminder. This serves as an effective deterrent to cheaters as it communicates expectations to all.

An effective way to combat cheating during an online proctored exam is randomized question selection and order. This makes it more difficult for students to copy answers from others as it makes it less likely that questions will follow the same order as their classmates’ questions.

One way to prevent cheating in online exams is to limit the number of questions students can answer simultaneously and eliminate students’ ability to skip back or forward during an exam. Furthermore, restricting speed at which students answer questions or using voice recognition software that listens for specific words such as “Hey Siri” or “OK Google” in order to detect attempts at cheating can deter many would-be cheaters from taking part in any online exams.

5. Monitor students’ activity during the exam

When students take online exams, it’s essential that their behavior be closely monitored throughout. Proctoring companies offer this service; however, they can be costly. An alternative approach would be using artificial intelligence (AI) software. AI systems use head-pose variation, eye tracking and other sensors to detect suspicious activities; additionally it captures random screenshots during exams and sends them directly to instructors so if any student appears to be cheating they can remotely invigilate and stop them answering certain questions.

Another effective strategy for combatting online cheating is limiting the number of questions displayed simultaneously, so as to prevent students from quickly scanning through and finding answers on untrustworthy websites. Furthermore, it’s also wise to switch up questions so it’s harder for students to pass specific exams or answer specific questions.

Before an exam, it is crucial that students are reminded of academic integrity policies. You can do this by creating an academic integrity reminder video or having students electronically sign an academic integrity contract before taking their exam – both of these options will make it more difficult for students to hide unauthorized materials or collaborate with other students during test taking.

Communication between you and your students is one of the key ways to prevent cheating with online exams, making sure they know exactly what behavior is acceptable during examination and providing all tools they may need for success. With that, you can rest easy knowing your exam is as fair as possible for everyone taking part. For more information about how Digify Document Security can protect exams and minimize cheating please contact us now.

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