How To Cheat On Exams Online

As online education becomes the new normal, students have been discovering various means to cheat on exams – ranging from using test banks or getting someone else to take it for them.
Even students who appear similar are sometimes able to take online proctored tests together – this form of cheating is almost undetectable.
1. Go to a friend’s house
The online education environment has altered how students learn and take exams, but has also created new opportunities for cheating. Students constantly search for ways to bypass proctoring technologies and use creative methods of cheating on an online exam without getting caught.
Some students tack notes onto their screens, desk edges and keyboards in order to sneak a peek during an exam. Others use TikTok or group chats in order to share answers with each other while some savvy coders hack multiple choice questions in order to see the right answers.
At times, tech-savvy test takers use spyglasses, earbuds, or special calculators to cheat during an online exam. Alemira Proctor’s live proctoring software can detect such devices and block them from test takers’ view – as well as detect when students look at devices for too long or frequently.

2. Get a friend to take the test for you
Cheating online exams through outsourcing exams to writing websites is a common strategy used by students, who then hire writers as candidates to take their examination for them and send back answers directly. Although this form of cheating requires technical proficiency and high levels of expertise for success, this method remains popular and should always be attempted before giving an exam yourself.
Cheating on online exams by using proxy servers to take the test for you is also a popular technique used by cheaters, and could result in severe punishment if caught.
While many online proctoring companies use various strategies to deter students from cheating on exams, cheating rates remain high due to students devising novel ways of cheating during online tests. Schools need to invest in comprehensive testing security solutions in order to address this problem effectively.
3. Go to a library
Online proctoring systems aim to prevent students from cheating during online exams, but many students still find ways of bypassing them, including screen sharing/mirroring devices and other gadgets to search for answers during tests.
Many of these devices are small and hard to detect, providing students with an easy way to cheat during online exams. Students also utilize smartphones, electronic textbooks, and personal notes during these online tests.
Some students pay to have a “tutor” answer their online exam questions during a test; these services have become big business for companies selling test answers.
4. Get a copy of the syllabus
As technology rapidly develops, students are discovering novel methods of cheating on online exams. Some are even using smart devices to conceal their activities from proctoring software during an exam session.
Screen mirroring or sharing is one of the most widely employed strategies, enabling students to take the exam together with a friend and discuss answers as part of an exam session. Companies selling answers for online tests benefit greatly from offering this feature to test takers.
Impersonation can also be employed successfully before and during exams; even twins and lookalikes have used it successfully to evade instructors or invigilators’ detection of cheaters by donning masks or makeup to appear differently than themselves – thus rendering instructors or invigilators nearly incapable of detecting cheaters; students can even obtain copies of syllabuses from professor websites or office hours for easy reference.
5. Go to the library before the test
Students have devised many innovative means of cheating on online exams. Some use Bluetooth devices that store formulas or information which enables them to answer questions more quickly; while others use external projectors to mirror their main screen to a friend who can assist in cheating.
One of the most widely employed methods of cheating online tests, as it is almost impossible to detect. But it is essential to remember that such cheating methods carry serious repercussions.
Some students even pay hackers to hack into exam databases and download answers on their behalf, then sell or share these with other students on forums. While this method of cheating can be very risky, it has become more prevalent as pressured students feel that traditional classroom settings don’t offer enough learning.
6. Go to the library during the test
Technology can be an invaluable aid for students, yet its misuse can also present serious threats when it comes to cheating. While some students employ special software that can thwart proctoring services, others still find ways to bypass it and commit plagiarism.
Test-takers can use smartphones to search the web for answers while concealing unauthorized materials like books, notes, or formulas in their pockets. Furthermore, they can hide their phones by hiding them in earbuds, taping them onto screens/keyboards, or other means that make an inadvertent glance appear natural.
University administrators face the difficulty of safeguarding online exam security as an enormous challenge, yet regular quality assurance testing can help enhance safety and reduce cheating. To find out how Digify Document Security can protect your exams, start your free trial now!
7. Go to a coffee shop
Online students frequently utilize coffee shops as a hub of cheating on exams. Students can hide their smart devices within coffee cups, bags, or under tables to avoid proctor detection; taking photos or screenshots of exam content before sharing it with fellow test takers who are taking the same exam.
Students proficient with programming and coding can hack multiple-choice questions to reveal the correct answers, then enter these into exam software to achieve higher scores.
Assembling a cheat sheet can be daunting, especially when trying to include material from multiple sources (books, notes, past assignments etc). To keep things organized when creating your cheat sheet, write in smaller font and draw boxes around related concepts; this will prevent too much space being left open on your cheat sheet.
8. Go to a restaurant
Scribbling answers on one’s arm may no longer be necessary; students now employ more crafty strategies for cheating online exams. From hiding crib notes in pockets or using UV light pens to enter the exam hall with answers, these nefarious tactics require great skill and ingenuity from students.
One student at Alemira managed to use their water bottle as a whiteboard during an online test! But the proctors at Alemira can easily see through this deception with their gaze detection feature which alerts when students look away too often or for too long from the screen, and cell phones or earbuds being used by students during testing sessions.
9. Go to a movie
This one requires some creativity and technical know-how. Students have used virtual machines to run an additional operating system and utilize search engines as they look for answers during exams – this can be risky, however, and could result in failed exams.
Ap-disguisers provide another means of cheating in an online proctored exam by concealing content within apps usually only accessible through calculator apps, like Spotify and Facebook Messenger. They’re especially effective if your phone is allowed, though more difficult if it is prohibited; hopefully your professor won’t notice anything suspicious when inspecting it, though if they do just tell them you were looking at your watch or needing the restroom; they won’t become suspicious that way!
10. Go to a bar
Even with the best efforts of bar exam authorities and remote proctoring software, some examinees may still attempt to cheat during online proctored exams. It’s expected; therefore it is essential that jurisdictions work diligently against this behavior.
Are You Thinking About Cheating on an Online Proctored Exam? Those determined to cheat may attempt to capture photos or screenshots of exam content for later use – however this method can easily be detected by proctoring software. Another tactic includes inserting external smart devices such as hard drives, USBs or microSDs prior to an exam and then use those devices to copy an exam for later use.
EFF is concerned that proctoring software may sometimes incorrectly flag students for cheating, which runs counter to our goal of expanding access and inclusion in legal systems. By forcing thousands of examinees to defend against false positives for proctoring exams, EFF hopes to promote greater access and inclusion for legal systems as a whole.