How Do Students Cheat On Online Exams

Online education has become more mainstream over time; however, it does present its own set of unique challenges.
Students have come up with innovative methods of cheating online exams. They use smartphones, electronic textbooks and notes hidden on discreet pieces of paper as ways of cheating on these assessments.
Other cheaters rely on hard drives, USBs and microSDs that are simple and hard to detect as ways of concealing evidence of cheating.
1. Accessing Unauthorized Materials
As students rush through online school and transition back into real-life settings, some are turning to cheating in new and creative ways in order to circumvent Covid 19. From leaving sticky notes on pets’ collars to group TikTok chats with one or more other students, students are using all sorts of creative tricks in order to beat the system and cheat their way out of Covid 19.
Many test-takers utilize unapproved materials during online exams, such as books and notes close at hand, dictionary-equipped smart watches or phones, remote voice support headsets or devices like Google Glass which capture screen footage. Test-takers may even tape notes directly onto their screens or cover their webcam with objects such as hats.
Copying and pasting answers during an online exam are among the most prevalent means of cheating, with students creating documents or notepads with questions and answers written out beforehand, so they can simply copy-paste during their exam. While this method might fool some remote proctoring software, if their screen was being recorded during this process they are likely to be caught by IRIS Invigilation Technology.
Students using group texting, messaging apps and video calling during proctored exams online may use text messaging, messaging apps and video chatting to collaborate unauthorizedy and share answers with fellow test takers or receive assistance. Such forms of collaboration are detectable through inconsistencies or irregularities in the exam experience such as looking away from the screen or maintaining a fixed point in space.
Students can take unscheduled bathroom breaks to extend the preparation process and give themselves more time for exams. Some test takers even create fake emergencies by saying they need to go to the restroom or have poor internet connections and use these breaks as opportunities to open notes, call friends for support, or search online cheat sheets on laptops.

2. Copying and Pasting Answers
Students have discovered creative methods of cheating online exams. Some employ smartphones and electronic textbooks for answering, while others rely on personal notes written on discreet pieces of paper or hiding their gadgets or asking third parties to take the exam on their behalf.
Cheating during an online test is most frequently accomplished through copy-pasting answers from another tab or device to access during testing via screen mirroring software like Team Viewer or by simply having another device present where they can simultaneously view questions and access answers that they need assistance with.
Some students attempt to bypass proctoring software by activating virtual machines on their devices and running different operating systems on them to search for answers without alerting proctoring software about any suspicious activities or noises during exams. While this type of cheating is difficult to detect due to technical skills required of users, this type of cheating can still be avoided with proctoring software that detects suspicious behavior or any additional noises during exams.
Students who cheat on online exams rob both themselves and other honest students of an impartial evaluation, while taking away opportunities to expand knowledge and acquire new information. It is therefore crucial that we understand what motivates cheating and work with our students to prevent future instances. It would also be advisable for you to design exams in such a way that they cannot be compromised through cheating attempts.
3. Taking Screenshots
With more students and work-from-home adults relying on remote education for coursework and exams, new ways are being devised to cheat online tests. A popular tactic involves using Snagit to capture full screenshots of their computer screens before sending it off to someone for assistance.
This method works particularly well for visual learners who learn best when presented with information visually on a screen. Snagit makes this task easy to implement on most computers and mobile devices; however, there can be drawbacks: for instance capturing an entire screen could make it hard to distinguish specific words or images and distinguish colors; additionally if your partner lacks Snagit it may be challenging reading the final image created from their capture.
One way that students may circumvent online exams is by mirroring their desktop to an external device like a projector or TV in order to demonstrate exam content for classmates and tutors. While this method is less often employed, it still happens occasionally. Some students even scribble notes onto their palm before exams begin and use quick Google searches afterwards in order to locate answers.
Other students have been observed taking unscheduled bathroom breaks during exams to sneak away and prepare answers or seek assistance, or they even redirect their webcam, disable microphone, and utilize multiple hardware to facilitate cheating on online exams.
4. Taking Unscheduled Toilet Breaks
Online proctoring systems, screen monitoring and data forensics make cheating on a test impossible (if done properly). But students have some tricks they can use to get around this system. Unscheduled toilet breaks may allow students to bypass remote proctoring software; during a test these breaks could give students time for other purposes like reading answers off their phone or copying them down onto paper notepads.
Universities have found it increasingly challenging to monitor student behavior during tests due to pandemic and isolation, especially since many professors have reduced expectations regarding what students must learn – often writing exams at a level requiring mere memorization rather than applying concepts – leading them to write exams at levels which test memorization rather than understanding and applying concepts – leading to students who lack moral and cognitive maturity looking for shortcuts, according to professors.
Even with these hurdles in place, some students still find ways to cheat on online exams. According to one professor interviewed by NBC’s Stay Tuned, students were using Chegg, an online course materials provider, during exams in order to locate answers during tests. Professors can request for materials taken down later – usually after taking place of course exams are over.
Other methods used by students to bypass proctoring software include taping notes to their screens or desk edges, hiding from proctoring software while taking tests or disappearing from view to avoid being observed, hiding their face during exams or disappearing off screen to hide movement, taking screenshots without getting caught using special programs – it is therefore essential that online tests be properly prepared by organizing space and understanding the platform they will take place on.
5. Using Multiple Hardware
As online education becomes more advanced and widespread, students have developed ever more creative methods of cheating during online exams. Some methods involve the use of sophisticated software and hardware that enable them to cheat without being detected; such devices include smartwatches, Google Glasses, earpieces, laptops that store notes or formulas and calculators with answers already programmed into them.
These devices allow students to quickly look up answers on the internet or communicate directly with helpers via screen-sharing software such as Zoom, Google Hangouts or any of a number of others, such as Zoom. By doing this, they can quickly locate answers needed to pass exams quickly and move onto other classes more easily. Furthermore, some students have even been known to tape phones or hardware onto desks or screens or write directly onto their arms as a means of concealing these devices from proctors and fellow test takers.
Some tech-savvy students have discovered a way to hack into computer systems and create virtual environments that act like separate operating systems, enabling them to gain access to unauthorized materials during exams. This form of hacking is commonly known as “rooting,” and can be avoided with enhanced monitoring techniques that detect unwelcome software or applications on computers.
Even in an environment rife with online education and technology that makes cheating exams easier, honesty and integrity remain essential principles in higher education. Students engaging in dishonest practices risk damage to both their reputation and professional opportunities; to learn how Digify can protect your exams start a free seven-day trial today!