How to Cheat on an Online Exam

Online assessments in education and business aim to assess respondents’ knowledge and abilities; however, cheating during these tests is commonplace.

Students resort to various means in order to cheat on exams. Some even employ techniques like impersonating someone else during an exam.

Cheaters sometimes use water bottles to conceal notes while others employ keyboard shortcuts to copy answers from one window to the next.


Online proctoring software enables companies to conduct remote tests without requiring students to take it in person, but that hasn’t stopped students from coming up with creative ways of cheating during online exams – using webcams, external devices and keyboard shortcuts among other methods – in order to bypass proctors and pass their exam without getting caught.

Many students can effectively obscure their faces from a webcam while taking an online exam, which makes it easy for them to access unauthorized materials and consult cheat sheets. Other students attempt to access unauthorised data through their smartphones or electronic textbooks or by writing personal notes on discrete pieces of paper. Students can use various methods to thwart proctors from detecting their actions – changing display settings or communicating using emoticons can all make the task harder for proctors to detect.

Some students employ professional “helpers” during an online exam. This person writes answers for each question on notecards that slide under their monitor so the student can see them without directly looking at them, then removes and hands them back over to them when answering is completed; when that question has been completed they then copy/paste from scratch paper into their exam answer sheet.

Though such strategies can be effective, a trained proctor who understands what they should be looking out for can easily detect them. For instance, some students were caught by remote proctoring company Alemira Proctor after using water bottles to conceal papers containing answers for examination questions. Alemira Proctor features gaze detection which flags any student who stares too long or too often at one location – which likely describes these students’ activities.

However, not every student fully grasps how technology works. One student tried using a Bluetooth headset to relay answers back and forth with his friend; however, his use was quickly stopped by a proctor when she noticed it wasn’t sitting properly in his ear canal.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Proctor software can be an effective means of combatting cheating, but students still find ways to bypass its safeguards. One common strategy involves using keyboard shortcuts to access exam questions – as most proctoring systems don’t check for these types of shortcuts but only mouse clicks and movements.

Keystrokes are a popular means of cheating during an online exam. Students are familiar with using Ctrl-F to search documents or websites; however, many are unaware that these keyboard shortcuts can also be used to navigate an exam; this provides students an easy way to navigate difficult exam questions without answering them directly.

Another method for cheating on an online exam is using software to create a virtual computer environment. Such software enables users to run multiple operating systems simultaneously on different virtual computers; additionally, this method can create copies of exam browsers so students can bypass lockdown browsers used by most proctoring programs – however this approach cannot always work and many proctoring systems can detect such forms of cheats.

AAMC uses similar software to prevent students from cheating; however, students have found ways to leverage its features for themselves. Some savvy pre-med students have even been able to take advantage of Ctrl+F (command+F on Macs) to search through passages they have studied within the exam database.

While not ideal, this hack may give students an edge in competing for government exams in India. With computer awareness being a common component in these examinations, this strategy may increase chances of qualifying.

External Devices

With online testing becoming more prevalent, students are finding ways to cheat during these exams. From using external devices and family or friend taking tests on their behalf to more intricate methods like special software to impersonate another student and even switching places during an exam – any number of techniques exist that allow students to cheat during online exams. Cheating during an exam does not need to be detectable by proctors – just plan ahead!

One of the easiest and most widespread methods of cheating an online exam is using mobile phones to transfer answers directly to friends and family. This practice, known as screen sharing and mirroring, works by prerecording exams using video-capturing programs before sending the video recording(s) directly to a friend who can then use them during actual testing as an aid to cheat. To avoid detection it is vital that projected images facing away from webcams during tests.

External smart devices like hard drives, USBs, and micro SDs provide another means of cheating during online exams. Students can easily conceal these gadgets during an exam and use them to search for answers and download cheat sheets; alternatively they could browse illegal websites while copying answers from multiple-choice questions.

Programmers and coders may even use computers to crack an online exam by using software that displays it as code, making it easy for them to spot correct answers quickly. But this method is extremely risky and may result in severe punishment if caught; regardless of any method students may employ to cheat online exams, remember that cheating never aids success in life.

Friends or Family

Schools need to monitor cheating closely now that more students are taking classes online, yet remote learning has brought with it some unique methods of cheating: students have used everything from sticky notes on dogs to virtual group chats to try to cheat their exams online; in addition to traditional fraudulent techniques like writing on palms or using invisible ink.

One of the easiest and most reliable ways to cheat on an online proctored exam is using someone close to them as a proxy test taker – known as impersonation. It has quickly become popular with students due to being virtually undetectable; and people of all ages and backgrounds, from friends to tutors alike can all use this tactic successfully.

Cheating in online exams can also be done using special mirroring tools that enable two people to view a single monitor simultaneously, enabling students to use one monitor for viewing questions while their friend uses another for researching answers on both monitors. Students have even been known to utilize multiple screens on their computers in order to avoid detection by an invigilator.

Students may even hire someone else to take their online proctored exams on their behalf – this can be seen as an extreme form of cheating but still prove very successful, which is why students must select a trustworthy person as the exam taker.

Although online proctoring companies have developed sophisticated technologies to prevent cheating during high-stakes tests, test takers still find ways to game the system. Social media and instant information have allowed students to uncover new methods of cheating when it comes to exams involving high stakes; students continually find creative solutions for cheating during online exams that involve high stakes tests.

Though it may be impossible to completely prevent students from cheating during an online exam, teachers should remain highly aware of this potential problem and inform their students accordingly. They should ensure their students comprehend that real world rules apply when engaging online as well.

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