Eklavya Online Exam Cheating

Eklavya Online Exam Cheating

Cheating in exams has become an extremely widespread problem; so much so, that some students actually make their living by selling stolen test content online.

One way of combatting this problem is with proctoring software that utilizes facial recognition and eye tracking technology, in addition to trying to detect sounds which could indicate cheating.

1. Copying and Pasting Answers

Students often resort to creative and technical means of cheating an online exam, including external devices like hard drives or microSD cards to store copies, text messaging or even hiring writers to take it for them.

Some students can successfully bypass multiple-choice questions with software that presents answers as codes, then identifies correct responses based on ones and zeroes while providing answers that contain only text as answers. This method requires considerable skill and time.

Other cheating techniques include copy-pasting answers onto another tab or using external devices like keyboards and mice to search for answers. Some students even employ cheating proctoring software by adding textbooks or smaller laptops on top of their main device – this way avoiding being seen by the webcam.

An effective way to combat cheating during online exams is providing accurate timers for every question, which allows proctoring systems to verify whether candidates actually attempted each question themselves and not copied from elsewhere.

Some universities have started using adaptive testing, where exam questions are tailored based on student knowledge and understanding, in order to help reduce cheating by making it more challenging to copy-paste answers from elsewhere or search the internet for them. Furthermore, question orders are randomly generated across exams in order to prevent students from sharing questions from each exam with each other or using other sources as references.

2. Using External Devices

Online exams may be proctored with video cameras, yet students still find ways to cheat even in this environment. An external projector could mirror their screen and share answers with another friend; remote software could enable communication regarding the exam outside the room; tech gadgets with built-in microphones might even record audio while transmitting messages;

Proxy testing, another common means of cheating in online exams, can be extremely hard to prevent. Universities should make clear to students that any attempt at proxy testing will lead to expulsion.

Students proficient in programming and coding may utilize hacking answers as an advanced means of cheating an online test. Such students use special software that presents questions as code, then identify correct answers by looking for 1s and 0s or specific text coding text. While educational institutions find it hard to monitor this kind of activity during an exam session, specialized proctoring technology exists that prevents opening any windows or tabs while students or candidates take their examination online.

Students taking an e-test could easily leave early by making excuses like internet connection problems or technical problems to shut down their webcam, giving them more time to look up answers online. They could also try sabotaging it by turning off lights, hiding their face or making suspicious gestures; all behaviors that AI-powered proctoring software detects.

3. Asking for Help

Students sometimes attempt to sidestep remote proctoring software by asking for assistance or taking breaks so they can open notes, contact friends, or look up answers without being detected by remote proctoring software. Although less obvious, this form of cheating should still not be tolerated.

Make sure that your students understand that it is never acceptable to seek assistance when cheating in an exam, whether in person, on a Discord server set up for that specific test or chats – asking for assistance can lead to serious repercussions and should always be reported immediately if someone attempts to cheat.

4. Sharing Exam Content

One popular method of cheating in online exams is sharing exam questions and answers with friends who haven’t taken the exam yet. Students do this thinking it will help others, without needing additional resources or technology; luckily it’s simple to prevent such forms of cheating with the right tools.

Eklavvya’s remote proctoring system features photo verification that allows students to upload scanned copies of their identity cards for verification by Eklavvya’s system, then access their exams only after verifying these documents’ validity – significantly reducing time needed for identification while eliminating cases of cheating or identity fraud during an exam session.

Audio proctoring is another essential tool. This feature detects suspicious physical movements such as looking away, moving away from the screen and leaning in any unusual directions, as well as recording any unusual sounds such as paper flipping or rustling that could indicate cheating activities – helping detect even subtle forms of cheating and prevent their commission.

One essential tool is being able to prevent screen mirroring and sharing during an online exam. Students using programs such as Team Viewer can give access to their computer, giving their friends access to view exam question and answer screens – this poses a huge threat in online education but can easily be avoided using remote proctoring software.

Finally, you can also help students stay honest by reminding them of your institution’s academic integrity policies in advance of an exam. Include a video that discusses academic dishonesty’s consequences as well as having them sign an academic integrity contract before taking an online test – this may have a major psychological effect and discourage students from engaging in cheating activities.

5. Hacking Answers

If a student knows in advance the answers to an exam, they can use hacking techniques to share those answers during an online test. While this type of cheating can be hard to detect, this method often uses devices which project images onto screens so it appears like another student is taking part. These devices could include hidden cameras, two-way radios or microphones.

Students can utilize various other strategies for sharing answers during exams, including placing a book atop their laptop for reference purposes or placing a second computer next to it for searching online answers. Another popular method is calling someone who knows the solution over to help solve it themselves using phone. Some students will even hide from cameras during an exam in order to signal for assistance from friends or make suspicious movements during testing in order to signal they need help from friends.

Some students go so far as to hire professional assistance for cheating during online exams, known as braindump sites. These sites can be very profitable businesses that sell stolen exam content directly to students looking to cheat during tests; many even provide answers before an exam even starts and will allow access to those files as many times as necessary during an exam session. Some of these services also help users disguise their identities from being caught; thankfully softwares exist now that can detect cheating attempts and are being utilized to prevent it.

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