Download Respondus Lockdown Browser Canvas

Download Respondus Lockdown Browser Canvas

Respondus Lockdown Browser Canvas is an online proctoring program that limits students’ ability to access external programs or their phones during a quiz or test. Instructors can use the browser to create practice tests for their students.

Instructors can post the practice test link on their course website so that students have ample time to download and install it before their assessment starts.

How to Install

Respondus Lockdown Browser is a proctored testing app that prevents students from accessing any other programs on their computers during a quiz assessment. Instructors will create a quiz activity in Canvas requiring their students to utilize Respondus Lockdown Browser prior to taking an assessment, with an inline link for download – students must install this software prior to beginning any quiz attempt.

Students wishing to download Lockdown Browser must log into their Canvas course and navigate directly to any quiz activity requiring it. The quiz activity will display a message explaining that Lockdown Browser software is required in order to complete it and link directly to Respondus Lockdown Browser download page, where Yale offers its unique installation file – students should select their installer based on either Windows or Mac operating systems.

Once their download is complete, students should follow the on-screen instructions to install and activate their software. After installation is complete, quizzes that require it in Canvas will launch automatically when clicking them.

Students taking a quiz will first be required to agree to and verify the Terms of Use before beginning. Furthermore, Lockdown Browser will notify them if any other programs are running, suggesting they close them before continuing – these actions can either be completed themselves or left up to software itself to perform this action for them.

Once the exam has been submitted for grading, students can exit their browser and return their computer back to its initial state. If a student needs to exit before submitting their assessment, they should contact their instructor – depending on circumstances they may need to provide a reason. If any issues arise with the software itself or installation and usage instructions they should contact OIT Help Desk immediately for assistance or they can ask their instructors for further help with installing or using this tool.

Installation Instructions

Respondus Lockdown Browser is a secure browser tool designed to prevent students from accessing external resources during proctored assessments administered in testing centers or computer labs (it is installed on Windows computers in these facilities). When students use Respondus Lockdown Browser during proctored exams administered at testing centers and computer labs (it is installed on Windows computers installed there). With Respondus Lockdown Browser installed on their PC in these facilities), they cannot print, copy, visit other web pages, or access applications unless their assessment has been submitted for grading.

This browser also enables instructors to monitor student activities with web camera recordings, providing instructors a powerful tool for identifying any instances of cheating or academic dishonesty. Although not recommended for take-at-home exams as students could install unapproved software or connect to an insecure Wi-Fi network during exams.

Faculty who wish to use Lockdown Browser as part of an online test or quiz must first create the exam in Canvas before adding its requirement in their course syllabus and providing students with plenty of notice of what to expect. Furthermore, creating and making available before any assessments a practice quiz with zero points (1 question setting and unlimited attempts) would allow students to become acquainted with how it works while being prepared for any potential issues they might come across in using it.

Students must first download their browser before taking an exam or quiz. When downloaded, this browser will notify students if there are other programs running that need to be closed before beginning their quiz or exam; there is an option provided on this browser’s interface that allows users to quickly close any unnecessary programs themselves and cancel its opening if there are any open.

Once students click the button to initiate their quiz or exam, it will open in a Lockdown Browser with directions for that test or exam. Pressing again closes this browser and returns them back to Canvas’ home page; when assessment submission has taken place automatically closes and turns off its web camera.

If their instructor has enabled a LockDown Browser dashboard, students can click the link in the navigation menu to access it and track their progress. They may also access it by clicking on the LockDown Browser icon on their Canvas home page.

Configuration Instructions

Respondus Lockdown Browser requires students to have a webcam installed and cannot close or access other applications or websites during assessments; in order to prevent cheating, instructors often require students use Respondus during exams that must take place at certain times (i.e. a scheduled exam or in-person session).

Instructors wishing to create quizzes that require their students to use Respondus Lockdown Browser must first open up the Canvas LockDown Browser Dashboard by selecting it from the course navigation menu and clicking “LockDown Browser.” Once in this area, all quizzes requiring this browser will appear; to enable it for one quiz in particular simply click its arrow next to its name – all options will become visible including Respondus Monitor if applicable.

Once a student logs in and navigates to an activity requiring browser, they should click the “Take Quiz” button. Once launched, students should follow the directions displayed on-screen for taking their exam/quiz/quizlet and close any additional programs running such as instant messaging or screen capture software before beginning their quiz/exam/quizlet. If their instructor has enabled Respondus Monitor recording software then a recording of their computer will also be captured and saved to their instructor dashboard.

After they complete a test, students should log off of their browser and return to Canvas course, where they can either view results using SpeedGrader or view test-taking data through Respondus Lockdown Browser dashboard. This dashboard will present them with all students who took part as well as details regarding when and how long the quiz began/ended/reviewed priority/score as well as whether Respondus Monitor was used by each participant.

Sample Quiz

Some instructors choose Respondus Lockdown Browser enabled quizzes in Canvas as an additional measure against cheating during exams. This software prevents students from printing, copying, visiting a URL outside the quiz or using outside tools during a quiz; teachers must set these exams so as to require Respondus software before being taken; otherwise an error message will appear and they won’t be permitted to take the exam.

To install Respondus software, navigate to your Canvas dashboard or courses menu and find the ‘Respondus Lockdown Browser Practice Quiz’ course. Enroll and take a sample quiz in this course in order to test its functionality before closing any running screen capture apps.

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor’ software adds additional security measures to online testing environments. When activated for a quiz, a prompt appears requesting to download and install LockDown Browser before commencing assessment. Once installed, students remain logged-in until submitting their quiz for grading – available both for Windows and Mac platforms.

Students taking their final exam must connect to the Respondus server using their same system and follow the ‘Respondus Connect to Server’ wizard in order to use Respondus software and download an encrypted connection file, creating a private link and taking their quiz. When done, students can exit this software using the ‘X’ icon and return back to regular browser and close Respondus software once done with the exam.

After students take a quiz, instructors can access their data through the Class Results feature of Canvas SpeedGrader (see Sections 1.1 and 1.2 for instructions on accessing this feature). Student information available here includes last name, first name, review priority date score reviewed and notes; in addition, teachers may view each test-taking session status which can assist them in quickly detecting any hardware or software issues during an exam session.

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