Download Respondus Browser

Canvas quizzes requiring Respondus Lockdown Browser will direct students to a web page where they can download this tool, which restricts printing or visiting other websites while blocking programs like email and instant messaging systems.

Full-Screen Mode

Full-screen mode enables an application or webpage to fill the entire computer screen, eliminating distractions like toolbars or window borders and enabling students to focus on assessment content without being disturbed by other interface elements. Students can exit full-screen mode simply by pressing a key, resize apps, or use an on-screen keyboard for other features – it is especially beneficial for taking exams in lab or testing centers.

To enable full-screen mode for an exam, select the Options button in the LDB Dashboard and Advanced Settings. This menu offers settings to restrict browser functionality during an examination; such as prohibiting students from printing or entering another web address while an assessment is open; browser minimization or closure cannot occur, function keys are disabled as are right-click menus and screen capture features; as well as whether screen readers such as JAWS or Window-Eyes may be used during their assessment session.

Students have the option to display the calculator on the LDB toolbar during exams. When completed, when prompts to exit full-screen mode are issued they can click “Exit Full-Screen Mode” button and return to normal browser setup; students may then enter any reasons for why they wish to exit this mode if desired.

The LDB browser is a separate program installed on a student’s computer that works independently from Blackboard or Safari software. Before it can be installed, students must sign in using their IU ID and password before installing it; additionally, only computers owned by students or organizations affiliated with IU may use this application.

Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor are part of an array of proctoring tools offered by the Indiana IT Proctoring Services Office for online assessments. These tools are intended to protect the integrity of proctored Blackboard exams while preventing cheating during non-proctored online assessments; their team can assist instructors in selecting which tools will best serve their courses.

Webcam Capture

Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor is an online proctoring program used by NC State instructors for online proctoring of tests within courses. When requested by an instructor for tests within their class, students will have to download it and follow specific instructions before sitting their examinations. When activated for use during assessment time, other browser windows and applications on their computers are disabled to prevent cheating during assessment process; students also cannot exit until all answers have been submitted for grading.

The program allows instructors to review student data and video recordings to detect when students may be using the software for purposes other than taking exams. It records webcam footage as well as tracking eye movement to make sure students stay focused during an exam. Available on Mac and Windows PC devices and requiring both camera and microphone for use.

Students requesting software for online exams should install it well in advance to prevent any potential issues with installing and using it during assessments. Some students have reported feeling more anxious during assessments; other have stated their programs don’t function properly on their computers and even caused their computers to shut down or lock out during downloading of said software.

Students often express concern that the program’s camera can capture their faces during exams to detect cheaters; while this feature was intended to counter cheating, many students consider this an invasion of their privacy that will diminish performance on tests – especially those wearing too much makeup or masks.

Respondus browser and monitor may breach privacy boundaries for some students, particularly since it records their gestures, head movements, and eye movement. Although its company offers a privacy policy stating that some data collected by Respondus software will be shared with partners, some students still believe that its technology should not be utilized within educational environments.

Tracking Eye Movements

This feature allows instructors to track students’ eye movements during an examination. A camera mounted to a laptop or PC detects when students look offscreen or attempt to access another website or application – providing instructors with an effective tool against cheating during online exams. Students’ eye movements may also be flagged if their eyes move unnaturally; additionally, software can identify when someone else enters the frame of video footage.

Respondus Lockdown Browser is a custom browser designed to safeguard a testing environment by restricting students from copying and printing data, visiting other URLs or accessing applications during an online test. Furthermore, the Respondus Lockdown Browser restricts students’ ability to use back and forward buttons on keyboards as well as use of ALT+Tab function keys during assessments; additionally students cannot exit until their answers have been submitted for grading – all available free download on personal computers that work with Canvas LMS platforms.

Students have discovered ways to bypass this software and even cheat during online exams, as the program relies heavily on technology for verification purposes. While some students report feeling uncomfortably scrutinized by this software program during tests or exams – an already stressful event! – others report feeling it makes them uncomfortable and adds extra anxiety during these timed events.

Additionally, this browser restricts students’ ability to access other tabs on their computers and uses webcam technology to recognize students. This approach is an effective way of keeping students from seeking answers outside the exam, and works across any operating system; virtual machines allow multiple operating systems on one machine.

Lockdown browsers may have their flaws, but they’re an effective way to stop students from cheating during online tests. Most notably, they restrict students’ ability to access other tabs – although there may still be ways they could cheat using virtual machines with edited registrys and bypass the restrictions altogether.

Privacy Concerns

Respondus Lockdown browser is an intrusive software program that violates student privacy. Using webcam recordings of student environments both virtual and physical, such as their physical space and content on their computer screen, artificial intelligence of Respondus Lockdown flags behaviors it considers suspicious for further analysis by teachers monitoring cheating activities – but its ethics remain questionable, potentially impacting academic careers of individuals based on its assessment of them.

While students acknowledge the necessity for proctored exams, they also deserve their right to privacy. Students have reported feeling uncomfortable and stressed when forced to download programs like Respondus Monitor for online testing – the program restricts their access to applications like email and instant messaging systems while locking out or shutting down their personal computers entirely while using Respondus Monitor.

Respondus monitor program offers more privacy and security. Alternatives such as Honorlock, Proctorio, and MonitorEDU provide these benefits; however many NC State students must use Respondus. Some students worry about its impact on test scores while others find it causes anxiety during exams; Samantha Steffanus, a second-year psychology and business administration student stated that using Respondus negatively affected her exam performance initially.

Respondus CEO David Smetters strongly denies allegations that Respondus software constitutes spyware or malware, calling comparisons between it and malicious programs as misleading and unfair. Smetters believes defining spyware/malware by its malicious nature would be inaccurate; Respondus lacks malicious intentions when developing their products.

Respondus can be integrated with various learning management systems, including Blackboard Learn and Canvas. Respondus Proctoring Add-On allows instructors to record student activity and review exam recordings; further, Adobe Captivate authoring tool makes incorporating live video feeds easy.

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