Criminal Justice 2301 Online Midterm Exam Ii 2019 Cheats

Criminal Justice 2301 Online Midterm Exam Ii 2019 Cheats

This course offers an introduction to criminal justice in the United States, examining its structure and processes from both an historical and systematic viewpoint. Students examine policing, law, and courts as well as various philosophies of punishment and alternative means. Finally, students write a term paper.

Exam Format

Along with reading and writing assignments, this course also features a midterm take-home essay and final in class exam, writing diagnostic assignments to identify student weaknesses and provide personalized feedback, writing a paper on a criminal justice topic; discussing possible topics or requirements during office hours with professor; as well as late penalties of five points per day until submission on due date.

Students will gain knowledge of the criminal justice system’s institutions and how they interact throughout its processes, while exploring various philosophies of punishment and alternatives for it. With sufficient study and regular attendance, they are expected to develop analytical, ethical, and critical reasoning skills.

Study Tips

This course examines the structure and process of America’s criminal justice system. Students will explore crime, the criminal justice institutions that investigate and prosecute it, as well as legal safeguards designed to protect individuals against unjust punishment. Students will gain an understanding of different philosophies and forms of punishment, as well as their individual and social consequences. Students should develop analytical and critical thinking skills through writing assignments, class discussion, and reading. Attendance is of utmost importance in this course; students missing five sessions will receive a lower grade, while those missing more than ten sessions may face failing grades.

Final Exam

This course provides students with an introduction to the American criminal justice system, including police, law, and courts. Additionally, students will explore different philosophies and forms of punishment as well as alternative solutions. Furthermore, students will gain a thorough understanding of crime’s effects on society as a whole, including any personal or societal ramifications that result from crime or punishment.

The final exam will consist of a take-home essay question designed to test all material covered during class, due at a specified date in your syllabus. Failure to hand in your essay on time will incur a penalty of five points per day it remains late.

Students in Criminal Justice courses are also required to write a term paper of their choosing on any topic of interest to them in criminal justice. Professors will be available during office hours or by appointment if students would like some ideas on potential paper topics, while plagiarism (either downloading a term paper from the internet without giving credit) will not be tolerated and is considered academic misconduct and will not be accepted.

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