Chrome Respondus Lockdown Browser

Chrome Respondus Lockdown Browser

Respondus Lockdown Browser Chromebook Extension supports Respondus Monitor automated proctoring system and works on student-owned or managed devices, while being compatible with Blackboard Learn, Canvas, D2L Brightspace Schoology & Moodle platforms.

Instructors may enable a Quit Password feature in exam-level settings for exams to allow students to exit lockdown mode if extenuating circumstances arise during an exam.

How to Install

Many internet browsers exist for students to utilize to browse the World Wide Web. Of those designed specifically to meet educational institutes’ unique needs, few such as Respondus Lockdown Browser come equipped with features to ensure safe environment without distractions typically found online.

This chrome extension works with several Learning Management System platforms, such as Blackboard Learn, D2L Brightspace, Canvas, Moodle and Schoology. In addition, Respondus Monitor, an automated proctoring system utilized by over 1,000 colleges and universities worldwide is supported.

Once installed, Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor will launch automatically when students click on any quiz in their LMS that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor. Quizzes made full-screen with no ability to minimize or maximize them eliminate cheating opportunities while being fully secure while offering several other features such as video recording capabilities as well as being able to identify inconsistencies in students responses.

Respondus Lockdown Browser for Chromebook is currently in a beta stage, meaning some bugs and limitations should be ironed out over time. In order to use it, students must first login into their Chromebook with an account enabled for Respondus Lockdown Browser’s extension; students can find a link for download at Respondus Lockdown Browser’s webpage, which takes them directly to Google Chrome Web Store where they can click “Add to Chrome” to install. After having it installed on their device, students can take any quiz or exam in Canvas that requires it being activated –

Students are advised to utilize a healthful computer when taking exams, which includes installing any operating system updates in advance so as to reduce any possibility of an update prompt interrupting and delaying start-up time. Furthermore, they should ensure they use a secure Wi-Fi connection so as to avoid potential security threats, and sit in an ambient and quiet location during their exam in order to provide Respondus Monitor with high quality recordings for analysis.


Respondus Lockdown Browser, like other mobile and online testing apps, can sometimes prevent students from accessing an exam or quiz. This may be related to other programs on your PC interfering with its functionality (for instance antiviruses and VPNs). Others could be hardware or network related problems; students have reported instances in which Respondus Lockdown Browser simply stops working altogether – should this occur, it is recommended to perform a hard shutdown by unplugging all power cables and batteries before restarting.

If you are experiencing issues during an exam or quiz, it is recommended that you contact either your instructor or support staff immediately. They may offer specific troubleshooting steps which might work better for you; generally it’s best to take the exam as close to the router/internet access point as possible and disable all programs which might interfere with its functionality (it might even help to reboot).

As part of maintaining Respondus software, it is also vitally important that it remains up-to-date. You can do this by opening your browser, clicking on the “i” button in the toolbar to display its version and selecting “Check for Update.” If a more up-to-date version exists, be sure to download and install it prior to attempting access your exam.

Students sometimes experience difficulty returning to an exam after it has been submitted, often caused by cache or history stored on their machine relating to that exam. To remedy this situation, all files located within your browser folder may need to be deleted as well as clearing your cached data in Chrome browser.

Some students have reported that Lockdown Browser is mis-blocking links within quiz questions or answers, however this issue can be remedied by setting the quiz/exam up using the newer style of Link Blocking as opposed to its earlier style.

Getting Started

Beginning your experience with Chrome Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor is straightforward. Instructors simply need to enable it as needed in Canvas for each exam (it works in Blackboard Learn, D2L Brightspace and Schoology but currently not Moodle). Once enabled, students will automatically launch into it when clicking an assessment link that requires it in that course.

Once deployed, Lockdown Browser prevents students from printing, copying and accessing applications during an assessment session. Furthermore, it blocks new tabs or exiting the extension – ideal for use both student-owned devices as well as school devices.

Additionally, instructors can block specific apps (screen capture programs or instant messaging apps) and extend keyboard functions with symbols and special characters to ensure test integrity. It’s essential that instructors take the time to go over all of the instructions for Chrome Respondus Lockdown Browser before using its functionality in their courses.

Students may use the “Quit Password” feature if they believe extenuating circumstances warrant it. A teacher can share this password with the student or enter it directly into a browser field in order to exit Lockdown Browser mode.

Please be aware that Chromebook Extension is currently in beta and therefore may have certain limitations. An error stating “Google Chrome OS cannot open this page” may occasionally appear and this can be resolved by using the built-in utility within the pinned extension to delete problematic cookies.

Students won’t be able to highlight text in Formative or receive translation prompts without an admin of their Google Workspace organization having disabled these features using this guide. Google is currently investigating this issue and hopes to address it with an upcoming release of Chrome; any questions should be directed toward their local support team.


As part of their beta experience, students on Chromebooks may encounter certain restrictions or known issues with the Respondus LockDown Browser for Chrome extension. To see an up-to-date list of known issues and workarounds please visit the Respondus Knowledgebase.

Students enrolled in courses requiring Respondus Lockdown Browser for assessments will be given a link in the Student Support tab to download its extension and follow its installation directions. After they have installed Respondus Lockdown Browser on their device, they should log back in to Canvas and navigate directly to the assessment that requires its use.

Once a student clicks an assessment link, the extension will activate and prevent them from accessing any apps or websites until they submit the quiz. Furthermore, this extension restricts their volume and brightness settings on Chromebook as well as volume/brightness controls. Students unable to complete a test should consult with their instructor or contact CTS team for additional assistance.

Instructors looking to make exams available for Chromebook users will need to select “LockDown Browser” in the Advanced Settings when creating their exam, enabling Respondus Monitor proctoring software on their quiz. For more information about using Respondus Lockdown Browser on iPad devices, see Student Instructions for iPad users.

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