Cheating In Online Exam Reddit

Cheating In Online Exam Reddit

The r/CheatingInOnlineExam subreddit serves as a forum to discuss cheating in online exams. Since many exams are not proctored, if anyone caught cheating can be permanently banned from the site. Questions tend to be randomly selected so as to prevent copy-pasting and searching for answers.

1. Copy-pasting answers

For cheating in an online proctored exam, copy-pasting answers from documents onto keyboard is the easiest method of cheating. Free screen mirroring software makes this possible by sending copies of your screen to another device where an accomplice can use that copy to see and answer the questions presented to him/her. While this method does work sometimes and may get around proctoring software detection mechanisms, some proctors might still detect its presence and it should therefore not be relied upon as an effective strategy.

Some individuals just don’t care much for rules when trying to pass a course, particularly if doing so means getting their grade necessary to graduate. Therefore, teachers should expect their students to search online during exams for answers.

2. Googling answers

Teachers can take steps to prevent cheating in exams by making them less googleable and permitting students to take notes during tests; making problems more challenging so students cannot access answers quickly online; allowing students to take notes during an exam and permitting students to take notes while testing; however, continually making tests difficult doesn’t reduce cheating; rather it just frustrates learners trying to learn and makes them more likely to seek an answer elsewhere. Ultimately, encouraging learning should be the ultimate aim to prevent cheating during online exams.

3. Taking a break

Students taking exams without breaks are less likely to cheat; taking breaks enables them to look up answers without interrupting the flow of an examination. Unfortunately, this approach only works with online exams – not in-person exams! To reduce cheating effectively and reduce unnecessary failure rates on tests for students taking a test is best accomplished through making it difficult for students to cheat; for example by permitting notes or differentiating problems so they cannot simply copy-paste from existing resources etc.

However, continuously increasing the difficulty of problems will only aggravate students. Instead, try scheduling breaks during your exam to force students to work through questions continuously in order to complete it on time.

4. Taking a nap

There’s absolutely no point in taking a nap during an online exam; it won’t do you any good and could instill in you the idea that what else was more important than studying, therefore entitles you to good grades without actually studying. Furthermore, doing so could significantly decrease your chance of employment later on and you should instead experiment with more creative forms of cheating instead.

5. Taking a bathroom break

If you are taking a video proctored exam, taking bathroom breaks during it is possible but can be risky. People have been disqualified after leaving the frame during a break so it’s best to talk to the proctor beforehand and get permission. Remember not to look at the screen when on break – as this will waste both your time and could potentially cheat; for multiple choice exams make sure that all questions have been completed prior to leaving to avoid losing an answer or time!

Hope this article was of use and provided you with insight into some of the more effective means of cheating in online exams!

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