Cheat In Online Exam

Cheat In Online Exam

Cheating an online exam is relatively straightforward; and, even with the best security systems in place, cheating may still occur.

Students can turn to smartphones, e-textbooks and electronic notes as sources of answers or even tech gadgets to cheat in an online proctored exam.

Mobile Phones

Cheating in online exams has become more sophisticated over time, from writing answers on paper or palms or legs, to more modern tools that help students evade detection. Cheating can have serious repercussions such as decreased grades, failure of courses or even expulsion from school.

One of the most frequent forms of cheating during an online test is using mobile phones as an aid in cheating. Students may use them to gain access to extra educational material, research questions, and answer keys on their phone; as well as to use apps on it like search engines or digital assistants as assistance during testing.

Proctoring companies can install software that monitors students’ activities during an exam to detect when any student attempts to gain an unfair advantage by clicking different tabs or copy-pasting answers, alerting a live remote proctor in real-time and redirecting him/her as necessary.

Government education experts tasked with investigating the increase in students who bring mobile devices into exams have proposed that students take exams in rooms designed to block cell phone signals as one more drastic measure to counter the phenomenon of pupils sneaking them in without permission.

One effective strategy to prevent cheating during an online exam is creating multiple choice questions that are challenging for students to solve on their own, or ones which require higher-order thinking like analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Bloom 1956). Doing this encourages them to think critically and produce original answers rather than searching online resources for answers.

Auto Coding Software

Online proctoring software assists in the prevention of cheating during online exams by detecting external resources and blocking access to them, offering tools to detect any unauthorized actions and recording and analyzing them on an exam platform. But these measures aren’t foolproof: test takers still find creative ways of cheating during exams such as tests and assessments by hiding notes on laptops with formulas stored there or by hiding notes with sticky notes and an erasable pen from proctors.

Other cheating techniques include inviting friends or family into the exam room to assist with answering, copy-pasting answers into the exam interface, redirecting proctoring software and microphone, or redirecting internet traffic in order to avoid detection; students may also attempt to bypass anti-cheating technology by altering computer hardware or purchasing special hacking programs.

Students proficient in programming or coding can use software that displays each answer as code to cheat at multiple-choice exams. Correct answers appear as ones and zeros while incorrect ones become random strings of text that is hard for exam proctors to detect; this method requires advanced skills.

Students attempting to cheat during online exams often use external devices like hard drives, USBs and microSDs to store a copy of the exam either before or after taking it – something hard for the proctor to detect. To combat this practice, many online assessment platforms provide secure exam browser environments which convert student devices into closed systems for testing purposes.

External Devices

External devices during an online exam are one of the easiest ways for students to cheat. Students can conceal answers in various objects like water bottles, books and furniture; however, an Alemira Proctor camera will detect these forms of cheating and may lead to failed tests. Students may also use other tech gadgets like smartwatches and microphones outside of an exam room to communicate outside the room and cheat with other candidates.

One common method of cheating an online exam involves using a remote device to mirror a candidate’s main screen onto another person, who then accesses test questions and signals the answers back. Unfortunately, however, AI-powered proctoring solutions can detect such behavior by monitoring body language changes and discouraging suspicious behavior.

Students can use keyboards to cheat in an online exam by typing answers into another window on their computer, which should avoid detection by remote proctoring software; however, they could still be caught by someone taking an exam in their place as proxy test takers.

Some students attempt to cheat in online exams by disconnecting their webcam, telling the proctor they have an intermittent or poor internet connection and shutting off the camera to give themselves more time for answering questions. This method of cheating is difficult to catch as it takes much effort from students in breaking security measures to break through them; additionally, many schools have stringent policies against academic dishonesty which would likely prevent such activity from going undetected.

Friends or Family

Educational environments are shifting toward online testing, despite its inherent challenges. Although proctoring software has proven effective at preventing cheating during exams, some students still manage to find ways around it to cheat in online exams.

Cheating using friends or family is one of the most widely employed techniques used to cheat during an online exam. These methods could involve having someone sit in the same room with the student taking their test while browsing online for answers; or hiring a tutor to take it on behalf of the student; these are illegal techniques which devalue qualifications of a student.

Some students use phones or tablets during an online exam to cheat. This may involve making phone calls to friends and family or sending text messages; or recording or taking pictures of questions they encounter and then sharing these with fellow exam takers – considered academic dishonesty that violates many exams’ regulations.

Cheating during an online test often means looking at prohibited papers or books, having someone else take an exam for them, and bringing foreign materials into the examination room. Some breaches are easy to spot while others can be more subtle – for instance when students use water bottles disguised as innocent containers to conceal smart devices that they hide inside for exam. Proctors could spot such activities if a student seems fixated on gazing on it too long before suspiciously looking away – these instances of cheating could then become obvious to detect.


Online exams have become more prevalent as higher education institutions attempt to reach more students with their courses. Unfortunately, students have various ways of cheating during these assessments; some of these are technical while some aren’t; using various devices or even impersonating another student may help facilitate academic dishonesty – an unfortunate and unacceptable form of academic dishonesty that must not go undetected.

Copy-pasting is one of the easiest ways for students to cheat during online exams, giving them an extra edge to pass. This method involves copying questions and answers from another website or book before pasting them into their browser while taking an exam. Copy-pasting allows students to gain an edge quickly during tests and can give them that edge needed to succeed.

Students often turn to external hard drives as another method for duplicating exams, making multiple copies in an easy and untraceable fashion. Cheaters may also create copies of multiple-choice questions for distribution to other students – something which would be nearly impossible with modern proctoring software that detects such activities.

As more students enroll in online exams, universities and colleges must implement measures to curb dishonesty during exams. To combat test cheating online, universities and colleges may consider employing advanced proctoring software that blocks certain browser functions during an exam and includes features to assist the test administrator monitor user activity; it should also detect unusual timing patterns or detect suspicious attempts at exam fraud.

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