Can You Cheat On Blackboard Online Exams

Can You Cheat On Blackboard Online Exams

Blackboard is an online learning and test-taking platform with several tools designed to detect cheating, such as plagiarism detection software and proctored exams.

Students attempting to cheat in Blackboard online exams by copying answers, searching Google for them or purchasing them through Chegg are all options available to them, or even simply writing them down.

Force Completion

Blackboard’s Force Completion setting limits students to one entry into an exam. If a student leaves midway or exits to check answers or their computer crashes during an exam session, they won’t be able to return later and resume it; this can be particularly problematic with more stakes exams such as finals or major assignments that involve multiple attempts.

This setting interprets any disruption of a test, such as losing internet connectivity, as an attempt by students to escape their examination. This may result in panicked students submitting their exams without knowing their progress or remaining time; eventually the instructor must step in to reset it, creating additional hassle for both parties involved.

An alternative strategy would be to set a time limit but disable Force Completion for exams. Students’ grade centers will show any elapsed time for each exam that may alert them if they approach its end time limit.

Reminding students of the rules for an online exam is also critical in reducing cheating and ensuring their readiness. Make sure they know that cell phones are prohibited and stay focused during testing – this early information can reduce cheating and ensure your students are prepared for success on test day!

Blackboard provides several tools to combat cheating on exams beyond restricting how many times a student may take an exam, such as randomizing question and answer order and setting timers to stop at the end of each examination period. Furthermore, adding proctors may help monitor examination processes more closely.

However, these tools cannot guarantee 100% protection and can easily be exploited by intelligent students. Therefore, it is crucial that you explore your institution’s policies and tools available in order to prevent cheating during online exams – some schools require students to sign a statement confirming they will not use an assistive device during testing which helps both prevent cheating and verify if a student actually took an exam.


Many instructors utilize the timer feature to ensure students take tests in one sitting and prevent cheating by mandating that students complete it within a set time period. Instructors may set an upper limit for exam duration; when this timer runs out, students will have no option other than to submit their answers and flag it for lateness in their grading panel; any student wanting to continue taking the test after it has run its course must get prior permission from their instructor before continuing further.

Faculty should utilize a timer when creating online exams in Blackboard, though it’s not foolproof; students could still use notes or the internet to cheat during tests. Therefore, instructors should discuss their exam policies with their students prior to test day.

Blackboard provides several tools that can assist instructors in detecting cheating on online exams. One is a question pool, which allows instructors to randomly assign questions from it for each student taking an exam; these could cover specific topics like case studies, scenarios or images. Other tools may include timers that limit how long students spend taking exams.

Prior to taking an online exam, it is also crucial for students to ensure that they have a reliable network and computer capable of supporting the Blackboard software. This can reduce the likelihood of network or browser issues affecting an exam and it would also be prudent for an instructor to have a paper version ready just in case any technical difficulties arise during their examinations.

Understand that no purely online assessment system can prevent all forms of cheating. Therefore, faculty should implement a policy regarding how they will deal with technical difficulties during exams. Communicate this plan to students before exam day so they know exactly what steps will be taken if an assessment cannot be completed in time.

Randomize Questions

Blackboard provides various test settings that can help prevent cheating. Instructors can set their exams to be timed, restrict feedback items like answer keys after students finish taking an exam, and use Randomize Questions to scramble question orders to make sharing answers more difficult for students. While these measures might not entirely stop cheating from taking place, these measures make sharing answers less likely than before.

Though these Blackboard test options may reduce cheating, instructors should keep in mind that they could create an overwhelming and stressful testing environment for students. Limitations might cause students to feel pressured or restricted during test taking which could compromise performance on an exam.

When creating an online exam, it’s crucial that instructors balance any restrictions with an assessment that allows all students to demonstrate their knowledge and comprehension of the material. This is particularly important if this assessment will be the first time for a particular student; therefore, they should allow plenty of preparation time before sitting any type of assessment test or quiz, while instructors create fair assignments which allow all pupils to demonstrate their abilities effectively.

If an instructor wants to further reduce student cheating on exams, Blackboard’s Question Block feature can be utilized. This feature restricts how many questions will be presented during assessments so as to limit collaboration amongst students during online exams.

Students should ensure they utilize a reliable internet connection when taking any online exam or quiz, as any interruption could lead to lost answers and changes being made without prior warning. Furthermore, prior to beginning any tests or quizzes on Blackboard they should always double-check that their browser and computer settings are compatible with its system and software.


Blackboard provides several features designed to deter cheating in online learning environments. This includes being able to record webcam and microphone activity of students taking tests; monitoring software that detects suspicious activities on computer screens; as well as an inbuilt plagiarism checker which can identify plagiarized submissions.

Blackboard also provides advanced question sets designed to challenge students without cheating during examinations. These questions may focus on case studies, scenarios, images, audio or video files – these question pools can even be randomly distributed among different students at examination time!

Students attempting to cheat on Blackboard tests can still find ways around its tools, with one popular tactic being cloning of tests and taking them while the original user is away from their computer – although Blackboard’s monitoring software could detect this tactic and result in failed grades for both parties involved.

To avoid this situation, students can utilize a special browser known as the Blackboard Respondus LockDown Browser during proctored online exams. This browser limits several functions on student’s computers such as switching tabs, right-clicking, screen capture/copy/paste and minimizing browser window. Furthermore, instructors are able to view student IP addresses linked directly with their Blackboard accounts.

Blackboard can detect student cheating during online exams by monitoring for unusually fast completion times and checking to see if they’ve left the exam page. Furthermore, professors can record when and how often a student accessed their examination as well as answers provided to each question posed on that particular examination; professors can also record how frequently students consulted notes or other resources during examinations to help assess validity of student answers.

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