Accused Of Cheating On Online Exam Reddit

Accused Of Cheating On Online Exam Reddit

Hello all – My friend has been accused of cheating in an online multiple choice test and is fighting it. Unfortunately, these exams log every click and window open; therefore he must prove his innocence before faculty and other students in a hearing process.

What happened?

My friend took an online exam using moodle and randomly guessed for every question during the time allotted for it, then did very well on it and is now being accused of cheating; although he claims he was just guessing and is disputing any accusations made against him; unfortunately they do not believe his version and have penalized him severely; instead he’s willing to accept whatever consequences they impose – is this appropriate?

How did they find out?

When someone accuses you of cheating, you’ll want to make sure that you have all of the evidence necessary to defend yourself and refute their accusations. Unfortunately, that can sometimes be hard to do; especially when it comes to online exams where security measures may be limited. A webcam in your school might help detect some more obvious forms of cheating like looking up answers on computers or phones or taking pictures of exam questions; but many students use smartphones during online exams despite lax security features on these devices.

Teachers can detect cheating using software designed to monitor student screens and disable other functions on their computers during an exam, thus preventing students from accessing notes, websites, or programs during testing. Unfortunately, such software programs can be expensive and might not work on all devices so are still far from foolproof.

Even with technology installed at their schools, cheating during an online exam remains possible. Some students have even been reported using group calls to attempt to cheat at universities that switched from virtual tests during the coronavirus pandemic; one New Zealand student mentioned gathering at each other’s houses before joining one group call and discussing an exam together.

Professors may find it challenging to provide sufficient proof that cheating took place; therefore it’s essential that you are familiar with your institution’s policy on academic dishonesty in relation to online exams.

Unless you can present irrefutable proof that you did not cheat, the best course of action may be simply to admit it. Lying to a teacher could only backfire further; lying could result in harsher punishment as an example to others. Furthermore, showing genuine regret for what you did will go a long way toward convincing them of this fact.

What should I do?

I suggest approaching your professor and explain your side of the story. Exam systems typically log a lot of data; any clicks made outside the exam window would likely be visible and clearly identifiable as attempts at cheating; even if no formal charges are brought against you for it, it will have been clear evidence.

People who cheat are usually under duress or experiencing decreased self-confidence when they turn to cheating; it is only human nature for us all to seek protection in some form or another.

What you should do is inform them that cheating on exams is a dealbreaker for you, and will never stay with them if they cheat in a class. Hopefully they’ll realize it and stop cheating; otherwise she might start engaging in it at work, in her children’s classes, or with others who know her in other capacities.

It is best to inform them of your intentions to avoid cheating by telling them you take this matter very seriously and have no tolerance for such conduct in your relationship. This will send a strong signal that they need to take each class seriously or you may leave, helping reduce cheating behavior. Informing them of the negative repercussions associated with cheating – including impacts on reputation and career prospects as well as family strife as well as long-term relationship damage could also prove useful.

Should I fight it?

Ideal, it would be helpful to distance yourself from your accuser as much as possible; if this is impossible due to custody arrangements or work commitments, seek help from a third-party intermediary to manage communication between both of you. This will prevent false accusations being levelled against you for additional crimes or negative behaviors that have no basis.

If you can provide proof that you were innocent of cheating (eg: your note card didn’t contain anything unlawful), fight the charge! Although it might seem daunting at first, proving yourself right will ultimately pay off in the end if any wrongdoing occurred.

Also, any clicks outside the quiz window that were made should be recorded and could provide insight into your case. These monitoring systems offer both advantages and drawbacks to keep an eye on.

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