
Response: In Python, you can employ a for loop alongside the readlines() function to read the file one line at a time.

It is essential to process a file line by line for accurate interpretation and effective use. Additionally, you can utilize the for loop method that retrieves all lines from the file simultaneously and provides them as a list. In this document, we shall examine the different methods and strategies.

Contents Overview:

Before delving into the techniques for reading a file line-by-line in Python, we must create a file which we will reference later in this text to read its contents.


This is Intellipaat

Have a wonderful day

Next, store this text in a file and label it as file.txt.

Strategies for Reading a File Line-by-Line into a List in Python

Python offers numerous methods within its standard library to execute various file-handling tasks. Below are some of the techniques available for reading a file line-by-line in Python:

Technique 1: Utilizing readlines() Function to Read a File Line by Line in Python

The readlines() function in Python reads all the lines from a file and returns them as a list of strings. Each item in the list corresponds to a line in the file, including newline characters (n).



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Read a File Line by Line in Python Output

Clarification: We initiate the file using open ‘file.txt’, ‘r’ which opens the file file.txt in read mode. Thefile.readlines() function retrieves all lines from the file and gives them back as a list of strings. Each string corresponds to a line in the file, with newline characters (n) included. The list comprehension line.strip() eliminates newline characters (n) from the conclusion of every line.

Technique 2: Employing a For Loop to Read a File Line by Line in Python

Accessing a text file through a for loop...```html
loop will traverse each line in a text document. In Python, this is typically accomplished by opening the file, utilizing a for loop to fetch each line, and subsequently executing tasks on each line.



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Read a File Line by Line in Python Output

Explanation: The for loop iterates through each line in the file, and line.strip() eliminates any excess whitespace from both the start and end of every line prior to showing the file’s content.

Method 3: Utilizing read() Method to Read a File Line by Line in Python

The read() method in Python enables you to read the full content of the file at once into a single string. This method provides access to the entire file content, which can be advantageous for smaller files where you need to handle all the information simultaneously.



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var isMobile = window.innerWidth { // alert("Code copied to clipboard!");

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The output in file.txt will be,

The output in file.txt will be

Clarification: The function retrieves the complete content of the file and saves it in the variable content. Post-read, the entire text from the file becomes accessible as a singular string, encompassing all newlines and whitespace.

Method 4: List Comprehension Approach to Reading a File Line by Line in Python

The list comprehension approach is also utilized to read the file line-by-line into a list. This method merges iteration and storage of the result into a fresh list within a single expression.



Code Duplicated!

var isMobile = window.innerWidth { // alert("Code duplicated to clipboard!");

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Output for Reading a File Line by Line in Python

Method 5: Employing the mmap Module to Read a File Line by Line in Python

The mmap (memory-mapped file) module in Python allows memory-mapped file objects, which enable you to access the file's contents in memory, as if it were incorporated within the memory address space. This is advantageous for adeptly reading and manipulating considerable files, especially when you prefer not to load the entire file into memory simultaneously.



Code Duplicated!

var isMobile = window.innerWidth ``````javascript { // alert("Code copied to clipboard!");

jQuery(".maineditor32180 .copymessage").show(); setTimeout(function() { jQuery(".maineditor32180 .copymessage").hide(); }, 2000); }).catch(err => { console.error("Error copying code: ", err); }); }

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data: { language: "python", code: code, cmd_line_args: "", variablenames: "", action:"compilerajax" }, success: function(response) { var myArray = response.split("~"); var data = myArray[1];


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Read a File Line by Line in Python Output

Clarification: Each line from the file is displayed individually, validating that the file was read line-by-line into an array.


File reading in Python can be accomplished through various techniques, such as using ‘readlines()’, loop iterations, or even memory-mapping with the ‘mmap’ library. Each method caters to distinct scenarios, whether you require reading a file line-by-line or efficiently processing large datasets. Depending on specific requirements like file size and the task at hand, the methods described above can be utilized.

The article How to Read a File line-by-line into a List in Python? first appeared on Intellipaat Blog.


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