Lockdown Test

Due to security considerations, some instructors require their students to use Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) when taking tests or quizzes in Schoology. LDB allows access only to programs required during test administration and prevents accessing other programs and apps during tests and quizzes.

Proctoru is an online proctoring tool designed to prevent cheating during exams by restricting desktop features, web searches and apps that could foster cheating during an examination process. It is particularly helpful when conducting lab assessments.


Lockdown Browser was designed to assist students who are taking online quizzes and exams remain focused on their exam without distractions, by blocking access to certain websites and programs on a student’s computer. Furthermore, it allows for virtual meeting spaces to be created where instructors can monitor students live during an exam as well as recording students’ screens and audio during this process.

As some features require a special webcam, students should ensure they possess one before taking exams that require this software. Students will also need to adhere to any instructions posted on their course page regarding how to download and install the program prior to taking their quiz or test. It is recommended that they take practice exams prior to sitting their actual examination so as to become acquainted with how the software operates.

Instructors can utilize software designed to ensure students are following directions and not cheating during tests, yet it cannot protect against students in the same room with others, using another device, or those bringing paper cheat sheets – which explains why proctored exams remain essential in protecting test integrity.

Respondus Monitor includes an automatic search for unapproved test questions posted to websites, and when found it will submit a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown notice on behalf of your institution. It’s an invaluable resource for instructors concerned about students sharing exam answers – though it won’t completely stop this behavior from occurring!

Respondus Monitor makes creating exams using Respondus Monitor simple for faculty and their students alike. Canvas makes creating exams using Respondus Monitor similar to creating regular quizzes or tests; instructors simply need to mark “Require Respondus Lockdown Browser” before adding a Zoom meeting link and providing students with a start code to take their exams.


Lockdown Tests prevent students from accessing other websites or applications during online assessments, limiting them solely to UVM’s Blackboard server for testing purposes and preventing unauthorised entry to other systems on their computer. This type of security can help combat cheating during assessments as well as be combined with webcam monitoring in proctored situations.

Lockdown browsers provide numerous advantages to students by preventing them from copying or sharing answers from assessments with one another, and leaving tests without submitting it for grading – both benefits which allow instructors to monitor student progress and ensure all questions have been answered before leaving class.

However, it should be noted that using this tool does have certain downsides. For instance, students may still change the screen resolution or keyboard settings on their computers in an effort to evade examination questions more easily. Furthermore, since this system invasively takes control of an examinee’s computer it becomes vulnerable to hacker attacks as well as glitching or malfunction.

Implementing a Lockdown browser requires careful consideration of cost. According to estimates, software for each student could cost as much as $1,500 which may prove costly for schools with limited budgets. Furthermore, every computer used for taking Lockdown tests must have this software installed as part of the test procedure.

There are various options available to reduce the costs associated with implementing a Lockdown Browser, such as configuring it to not require webcam access and only use one screen. Furthermore, free versions are available to test on iPads.

Instructors should become acquainted with the features of LockDown Browser before deploying it for an exam. To do this, instructors can access their course Dashboard and click “Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam,” then configure settings according to desired options – for instance allowing students access a standard or scientific calculator from toolbar during test takes requires checking a box; adding password protection so students must enter one before starting examination is also an essential consideration.


If a student is having difficulty taking an exam, double check that they’ve clicked the submit button in their formative and answered all required questions before using their Quit Password to leave Lockdown Browser – additionally they should reboot their devices to fully exit browser mode.

LockDown Browser may become frozen or nonresponsive due to other programs running in the background, including instant messenger applications or file sharing agents like BitTorrent. Students should close any other applications before taking their test in order to prevent any of these problems from arising.

Lockdown Tests prohibit students from printing or copying. Should they attempt to do so, instructors will ask for an explanation as to why they must leave and this note will be visible for viewing by instructors. Likewise, midway through a test a student needsing exit using the Quit Password should provide an explanation as to why they wish to stop taking it.

Quit Passwords allow students to break out of Lockdown Browser mode in case of extraordinary circumstances during exams, such as hardware or software issues with their device, Internet connectivity issues or having any difficulty taking the exam itself. Instructors provide these passwords which students can share or enter directly into their browser window to exit from an exam – an invaluable option that can save both time and frustration!

If you require your students to use Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor as part of a test, be sure to include details in their syllabus regarding its technology requirements (including full computer system requirements) for this feature. A link to Respondus can be found within Canvas course containers within Course Tools module – additional details about its workings can also be found here in Help Center article. It would also be wise to conduct one-question practice tests to make sure all students can download, install, and utilize it correctly before giving an examination using it.


Students cannot access applications other than Blackboard tests and materials during proctored online exams, including private email apps or the messages function in Blackboard. Browser lockdown is one of the more basic solutions for proctoring exams online; however, it does not prevent all forms of cheating and could potentially expose students to technical issues and Internet connectivity problems.

Respondus Monitor, a software app installed into Blackboard courses and running during exams, creates video recordings of student examinations on Blackboard tests before summarizing results for instructor review. Instructors can watch a short demo here before attending one of our two-minute “Flexible Testing” webinars to learn how best to utilize Respondus Monitor in their courses.

Instructors utilizing Browser Lockdown or Monitor exams can customize various settings on the Options page when creating or editing exams, including password requirements for taking tests as well as whether or not to have them auto-submit when time runs out. Assign your students the responsibility of taking time before their test to set these up before beginning it off-campus or from home.

If you plan on using Respondus Monitor during a test, be sure to click the box that says, “Attend a two minute Orientation Webinar for Respondus Monitor and LockDown Browser.” It should appear near the top of the Options page.

When you are ready to grade your students, look for the class results icon with a down arrow next to their quiz title and select Class Results. From here you can view a list of students with their reports that contain facial recognition hits as well as thumbnail images to assist in detecting possible cases of misconduct. Clicking any student name allows you to access video footage as well as full reports for them.

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