Respondus Lockdown Monitor Download

Respondus Lockdown Monitor Download provides a restricted test-taking environment in order to prevent cheating during online assessments. It prevents students from printing, copying, going to another URL and accessing applications during an exam as well as blocking right mouse clicks and function keystrokes.

Software that monitors student screens, webcams and microphones for signs of cheating is available. It detects gestures, head movements and sound as possible hints of cheating before rating all data collected for possible cheating instances.


Respondus Lockdown Monitor Download helps prevent cheating on online tests by creating a controlled test-taking environment. The application utilizes virtual browser technology that blocks students from printing, copying, going to another URL or accessing other applications during test taking. Respondus can be installed both on PCs and Macs as well as loaner iPads (although access via iPad requires additional configuration by instructors).

Respondus can be easily deployed when assigning synchronous tests through Canvas, with Respondus running in browser and recording video for review by instructors afterwards. Respondus can be configured to block specific websites or apps such as instant messaging programs, document editors or test-taking tools as well as right mouse clicks or function keystrokes, even disabling source codes!

This software violates student privacy as it uses webcam and microphone data to capture physical surroundings of students, along with virtual contents on computer screens, to make assumptions about behavior during assessments – something especially problematic for professors whose livelihood depends on providing quality teaching and student honesty.

Although this application provides an alternative to hiring human proctors for assessments, it still interferes with student privacy and violates their right to personal privacy. Furthermore, this program has vulnerabilities which could allow security breaches. Software can easily be exploited by hackers or those familiar with its programming language, leading to security vulnerabilities for all involved. To combat this threat, instructors should instruct their students in using software responsibly and protecting themselves against security risks. Additionally, teachers must consider the legal ramifications associated with using an educational tool and ensure it is correctly implemented in class. They should also be ready to respond to inquiries from students regarding issues with its implementation in their class.


Respondus Monitor stands out from other proctoring systems by permitting students to use their own computers when taking online exams. A webcam records students during an exam session, giving instructors access to view video recordings of them afterwards – making this flexible, affordable solution suitable for both faculty and students alike.

LockDown Browser protects students during exams by restricting them from printing, copying or accessing other websites or applications on their computer, recording face images as a form of cheating prevention and recording other pertinent details such as facial features. Once an exam has concluded, the browser automatically reverts back to regular settings; an instructor may review any recorded video footage to detect potential issues during it.

Students need access to either a Windows or Mac OS system with either an integrated or external webcam to use this tool, and an internet connection that enables installation of software. Respondus Web Site offers instructions for testing equipment at home before taking graded exams with this tool; those unable to successfully certify their home setup will need to take it in class or visit ITS Help Desk instead.

Respondus Monitor not only offers scalability but also many other advantages. It works seamlessly with common webcams and video systems like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet; its five-star support team and free webinar training sessions for faculty are among its other benefits.

Respondus Monitor is an add-on to Respondus LockDown Browser, used by more than 1,500 higher education institutions to ensure secure testing environments in classrooms or proctored settings. Respondus Monitor builds upon its power by adding webcam and analytics technology for non-proctored online exams to stop cheating during these exams.

To enable an exam to require Respondus Monitor, open up the test editor and select Require Respondus Monitor from the More Options drop-down. When selecting Yes for Require Respondus Monitor, your list of exams will now reflect this new option.


Respondus Lockdown Monitor (LDB) offers students taking proctored tests outside a traditional testing center a secure environment. LDB is a web browser with special security settings to block access to applications, chat programs and the internet during exams; available for Windows PCs and Mac computers alike – even iPads may use LDB! In cases where their device doesn’t support it fully they may borrow one of the college loaner laptops instead for use during an exam session. LDB integrates seamlessly with learning systems so instructors can view flagged events and view results post exam.

LockDown browser not only offers high levels of security, but is also user-friendly and intuitive. Designed to ensure students can complete online assessments seamlessly, its features include full-screen mode that hides standard menus and toolbars while only allowing access to back, forward, and refresh buttons; LDB also allows teachers to record audio/video as a monitoring tool during quizzes or exams.

Respondus provides faculty and students with numerous resources to help them get acquainted with its software, from demonstration videos, Quick Start Guides, and training materials within learning management systems to demonstration videos from YouTube or Quick Start Guides – such as in Lethbridge College where LDB and Respondus can be accessed through Canvas; students can obtain more information via Student Orientation and Information or Faculty Resources courses offered in Brightspace.

LDB browser not only offers security and convenience for students, but it also offers additional advantages such as its built-in Help Center that provides answers to commonly asked questions. Furthermore, students can utilize it to record video of student behaviors during tests in order to detect cheating; similarly it can record classroom or group work sessions as well.

However, in order to utilize Respondus Browser on a Chromebook you must first be affiliated with an appropriate Learning Management System. Once affiliated, Respondus will automatically download on your device during any quiz or assessment that requires it; alternatively you can download manually via LMS website.


Respondus Lockdown Monitor Download is a specialized web browser designed to protect student computers during online assessments by restricting access to other applications and websites, including chat programs, emails, copy/paste text and creating notes on devices. It can also capture audio/video footage for teachers monitoring students during exams as well as their environment during them – making this convenient software an easy choice for both instructors and students. It integrates seamlessly with Learning Management Systems making its use incredibly user-friendly for both parties involved.

This technology can prevent cheating in various settings, from traditional testing centers to home computers. Last year alone, 1,500 universities employed this system for proctoring over 100 Million exams with 1 Billion minutes of online proctoring! Such scaleability is made possible thanks to our incredible support team who offer 24/7 real-time assistance for students as well as free trainings for instructors.

Apart from preventing cheating, the software also keeps students on task by requiring them to view an online assessment in full screen mode – test takers cannot minimize or close it until it has been submitted for grading and print/save any files on their devices during an assessment session.

The browser also records audio and video, enabling instructors to monitor student behavior and their surroundings more closely during oral assessments or if an instructor suspects someone may be hiding something from view. At the conclusion of an assessment, software notifies instructors immediately if one or more students leaves or enters the frame – an essential feature during oral assessments or any time the instructor suspects there might be hidden content among their ranks.

Installing and using this software is straightforward, making it accessible to students with any compatible device. To begin using it, students should visit their instructor’s LMS to determine whether or not installing it on their device is necessary; once installed, students can login to their LMS and start taking exams through this software; it may not be required for all exams, but is available if students require it.

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