Respondus Lockdown Browser Blackboard

Students should utilize the zoom meeting join URL provided to them by their instructor in order to join a zoom meeting and submit questions directly; repeatedly sending questions may cause excessive requests from being sent out and may result in video disruptions.

This custom browser prevents students from printing, copying, or accessing other applications while taking an assessment. Additionally, it features a digital calculator in its toolbar.


Respondus Lockdown Browser building blocks enable you to require students use of a custom browser when taking tests in Blackboard. In addition to standard features of browser software, Respondus Lockdown Browser prevents students from printing or copying during online tests as well as accessing other URLs or applications while taking assessments; it also blocks keyboard shortcuts and screen capture functions. To set this requirement on a test you first must create the assessment in WebAssign before adding it as required exam in Blackboard.

Lockdown Browser and its dashboard appear when a student takes an assessment, along with its accompanying dashboard. If neither are available, a message appears stating that assessment security hasn’t been enabled as building block integration hasn’t been activated at your institution. Once enabled, however, instructors can use Respondus Lockdown Browser alone or combine Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor together and have students enter an access code prior to beginning testing; alternatively if both components are required together then students must enter an access code before beginning and use its dashboard view their scores as well as previous attempts submitted and scoresheet.

If your students do not already have a browser installed on their computers, they can download one from myMason. They must have an operating system which supports both Lockdown browser and Monitor; iPads or virtual operating systems do not support either of them. Students also require internet connectivity and access as well as a compatible webcam to use myMason services effectively.

Before assigning students an official test that counts for points, we suggest giving them a practice exam first. This allows them to get acquainted with the process and if any issues arise during their real exam they’ll know who to turn to for assistance: you or the proctoring center. Luckily, the Center for Instructional Technology provides step-by-step guides on using their software; plus they offer free installation services for Blackboard Learn users!


Before taking an exam that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser or Monitor, students will need to install it on their computers. They can download an installer from myMason, download and follow its instructions during installation, then prevent printing, copying, visiting an URL outside the test or accessing other applications during an exam session.

Respondus Lockdown Browser software is available to students who hold myMason accounts and have taken an approved course at Mason. This software works with both Windows and Mac computers as well as virtual operating systems; it does not, however, work on iPads or Chromebooks.

Anti-virus applications and other security software running on a student’s machine could prevent Respondus Lockdown Browser from installing properly, leading to functional issues with its operation. Therefore, students are advised to disable such applications prior to attempting to install this software; once it has been successfully installed, both “i” (Windows) and “About” (Mac) buttons on its toolbar should display its latest version number.

Once a student has installed the Respondus Lockdown Browser, they should sign into their Blackboard course and locate any tests requiring use of this software. When clicking on one, they will be asked for their password; note that this differs from what students enter on Blackboard Testing Options page – do not share or reveal it to other individuals!

Respondus Lockdown Browser should only be used on school or library computers due to potential speed issues that could impede exams being taken there. When testing alone at home it can affect browser speed negatively and result in glitches during an exam taking process; so for optimal performance students should opt to take tests in these locations where there will be reliable network connectivity.

As soon as a student has taken and received their grade, they can use the Respondus website to remove Lockdown Browser and Monitor requirements from their computer. Instructors may also do this by visiting their course’s Assessment Security section and selecting Uninstall Respondus Lockdown Browser option in Assessment Security section of their course.


As part of an assessment, students cannot print, access other websites or applications on the computer, or exit the browser – this is done to protect test results from being altered through cheating and ensure their integrity. Software also disables features that could compromise test security – such as right-click menus, keystroke combinations, screen grabs and links; to ensure maximum effectiveness it is important that testing takes place on computers that have wired Internet connectivity as well as no potential distractions such as other websites being visited at once.

If a teacher uses a password to lock down an exam in Blackboard, students will not be able to take the exam without entering this password. They may have to exit Blackboard first before starting Respondus Lockdown Browser before accessing Blackboard again in order to take their test – creating potential headaches in proctored testing centers where many computers may be used by students taking tests at once.

Instructors can configure Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor as required components of their courses’ assessments. To do this, navigate to each assessment’s Settings page in Blackboard Learn Ultra and select the radio button for “Require Respondus Lockdown Browser for this exam”, entering an optional password for students who use Respondus Lockdown Browser as well. In addition, instructors may opt to require Respondus Monitor during testing sessions so video footage of student takes can be captured for evaluation purposes.

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor assessments require students to click the CNOWv2 exam link in Blackboard in order to view them. This opens a window similar to an Ultra assessment; however, they will only have access to features of Lockdown Browser. If they lack these tools necessary for secure assessments, a message appears directing them where to find them; they can also visit Blackboard Tools page if necessary to download these tools if they’re needed; otherwise attempts won’t be submitted until all tools have been downloaded by the student.


When creating an assessment that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser or Monitor, the options menu allows you to set a password students must enter before beginning an exam. In addition, you can choose whether or not the test should only be available at specific locations or devices and add a timeout – if a student fails to enter their password within this specified window, it will display as an error in Blackboard.

Respondus Lockdown Browser, when used during an assessment, prevents students from accessing any programs or applications on their computers other than the test they’re taking. It also locks down Blackboard testing environments and disables features which could enable cheating; printing, copying, visiting websites other than those associated with their assessment or accessing unauthorized files are prohibited until it has been submitted for grading; plus its browser window becomes full screen without being minimized or resized, plus all keyboard shortcuts, screen capture features and function keys are disabled as well.

The University of Arizona holds a site license for Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor software, making it accessible to faculty at no cost to students. Students should download it either from their UA accounts or the Blackboard Institution page (click your school logo for quick access). Please note: Chromebooks do not work with this software.

If you decide to implement remote proctoring (RM) into your course, an instructor proctor for each student can be assigned who will monitor their work remotely from any campus and exam they take during that session. Faculty can review results from an RM proctoring session and see any violations (i.e. excessive head movement, looking away from screen, multiple faces in frame etc). After reviewing these potential violations with each student and taking necessary actions with them accordingly.

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