Respondus Lockdown Browser Android

Respondus Lockdown Browser is an innovative program that enables teachers to combat cheating on online tests by creating an environment in which students cannot print, search or open any windows while taking the quiz.

Instructors determine whether this software will be needed for their exams.


As more classes move online, students are increasingly vulnerable to cheating by looking up answers or copying from others. To address this problem, many teachers utilize Respondus Lockdown Browser software in online exams to prevent this type of misconduct by blocking features of the student computer and keeping them from accessing any apps or websites during taking an exam.

Respondus software works on Windows-based and Mac computers, as well as iPads approved by your instructor, and installed onto student devices before being launched from Blackboard or Canvas. Once a quiz starts, students cannot exit or close their browser until it has been submitted for grading – adding another layer of proctoring with Respondus Monitor that requires use of a webcam for additional proctoring measures.

Before beginning their quizzes requiring LockDown Browser, students are strongly advised to review the Student Quick Start Guide for LockDown Browser in their course and get acquainted with general online test-taking guidelines. They may want to practice beforehand in order to become accustomed to its operation and check hardware requirements; any programs running outside the browser as well as screen capture apps must also be stopped in order for any screen capture apps to function normally; alternatively if no suitable device or admin rights exist they can take the exam on one in Carlson Library.

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor work best when administered within a proctored environment such as a classroom or lab, however if students are testing from home they must locate an ideal testing location that is free from distractions for testing. The Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor records students as they take tests; teachers may review recordings post assessment. It is important that they are comfortable with this recording process as an instructor may consider any dishonesty an attempt at dishonesty; in such an instance recording would constitute dishonesty itself! Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor features a privacy policy which allows certain third parties access to student data that could potentially compromise student confidentiality during assessment sessions.


Respondus Lockdown Browser has become increasingly popular as online learning has grown increasingly prevalent, and teachers are using it to prevent cheating during tests. This software can be used to disable certain features of students’ computers so they cannot search for answers or copy data directly from test screens; additionally, teachers can monitor student actions on-screen for monitoring purposes during an exam. Unfortunately, this software has also been found with security flaws which allow students to bypass its measures.

Instructors creating quizzes requiring Respondus Lockdown Browser will include a link in their question that prompts students to download it. After they do so, Respondus Lockdown Browser will run in the background, blocking other applications from opening while prohibiting exit without entering a Quit Password; additionally it prevents screen capture apps running during its active period as well as unregistering them from any Zoom meetings they are participating in.

Respondus Lockdown’s download and installation processes are straightforward, though students should keep in mind that their home internet may impact its performance. Users should make sure their internet connection is stable before taking an exam using Respondus Lockdown, and verify any devices connected to your network that could interfere with taking online tests – potentially leading to errors or freezes during tests.

Not only can this software prevent students from viewing other applications on their computers, it also prohibits them from using mouse and keyboard. This prevents saving files or accessing programs – which could prove problematic if students need to complete homework or research for classes. For optimal use of this program it should be installed on either desktop computer or laptop and not an iPad.

Respondus is just one of several remote proctoring services that students can choose from; other examples are Honorlock, Proctorio, and MonitorEDU. All three offer identity verification, prevent students from exiting an exam early, record screen activities during online tests as well as monitorEDU for online exams.


Respondus Lockdown Browser download is an online proctoring service that prevents students from accessing any applications or websites other than those related to taking an exam they are currently taking. It disables right mouse click, blocks function keystrokes and prohibits external tools like source codes from being used while taking their assessment exam; as well as restricting them from email and instant messaging applications as well as printing/saving documents during testing sessions.

This proctoring tool integrates seamlessly with various Learning Management Systems such as Canvas, Moodle, Sakai and Schoology. It serves as a remote proctor when students must take assessments from home or their own classrooms or cannot access campus labs to take tests. Students access it from within their LMS by clicking a link provided by their instructor and accessing a browser from that LMS to access this browser and complete assessments remotely.

Respondus Lockdown Browser makes taking exams simple. Students simply log into their LMS and navigate directly to the test they must take, where they will be directed to download an application onto their computer before clicking “install” button on page to activate it and receive notification once it has successfully installed.

Once installed, Respondus Lockdown Browser runs automatically whenever a student opens a test in their LMS. It won’t close until all questions have been submitted for grading; otherwise if it does close unexpectedly students have an option of entering their password in order to relaunch the browser if it closes unexpectedly; instructors have control over whether this feature should be enabled or disabled on an exam-by-exam basis.

Schoology allows students taking tests that require Respondus Lockdown Browser access to access their course materials page and find their exam/quiz/assessment, where they will then be instructed to launch this browser and start their exam. While it looks similar to any web browser, several features have been disabled or removed, such as URL fields and browser menus.


Respondus Lockdown Browser Android is a free program that provides security and protection for mobile devices. Millions have downloaded it worldwide and it has earned numerous positive reviews from its users. Designed for tablets and smartphones with Android 5.0 or later operating systems. Requiring at least 1GB of storage space, it supports multiple languages and works with many apps and web services such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google Maps, among many others. Furthermore, the program implements several security measures designed to safeguard data and privacy – encryption, device lockdown, password-protected screens as well as features which detect when devices have been rooted or jailbroken and automatically terminate any malicious processes discovered on them.

Students taking tests using the Respondus Lockdown Browser cannot access any other application or website on their computer during testing, including closing any other browsers and uninstalling or disabling screen capture apps. It is essential that they do this prior to signing in for any tests requiring this browser and closing any Zoom meetings they might be in.

Schoology features are unaffected by Respondus Lockdown Browser; however, certain apps used for recording the screen may cause an error during an environment check. Some antivirus programs also interfere with this application and it is advised against their use while working within it.

Students can find computers equipped with Respondus Lockdown Browser apps installed throughout campus, such as Mac Lab (St. Joe room 103) 3M Resource and Mentoring Center and Library 1st floor. Furthermore, Respondus Lockdown Browser apps are also available on iPads.

While software does provide an effective means for combatting cheating during online exams, it is not 100 percent foolproof; some students still manage to bypass it by using cheating software and tutorials on how to bypass its applications.

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