Respondus Lockdown Browser Hcc

Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor is used by many instructors to proctor online quizzes and exams. This software prevents students from printing, copying, visiting a different URL or accessing other applications on the computer while taking an exam.

After installinging the software, you’ll be asked to close specific programs like screen capture and instant messaging before beginning your exam.

Taking Quizzes and Exams

Your instructor may require you to use Respondus LockDown Browser (LockDown Browser) when taking online quizzes and exams. This browser prevents students from printing, copying, browsing to other URLs/apps/webpages that might interfere with exams; and other activities which could impede exam taking. They’ll provide a link so you can download this free software, after which just follow its installation prompts to do it on your computer.

Once the software has been installed, when an instructor creates an online quiz or exam that requires LockDown Browser, simply launch it when your instructor directs you to take one. Your browser will take you directly to the course page where you can navigate directly to it; from there you’ll find your quiz/exam. If your instructor requires a password entry prompt at the top of your screen for the quiz/exam; once entered successfully it will begin!

If your instructor uses a Webcam with LockDown Browser, Respondus Monitor might also need to be installed separately. This application enables instructors to review videos recorded during your exam sessions as well as monitor other activity on the computer during online exams. They can flag suspicious activity such as someone entering or leaving the frame of their webcam, with alerts being sent when an issue arises.

Some instructors require you to take an ungraded practice quiz using LockDown Browser before the actual graded exam, in order to familiarize yourself with its use and ensure your computer settings are ready for it. Once the quiz is over, however, all other programs should be closed as well as no open tabs in your web browser – after this point you should resume normal browsing habits but with caution until confirmation that your answers have been submitted for grading has been given.

Webcam Proctoring

Instructors in certain courses require their students to use webcam proctoring programs as part of the exam process. These applications allow an instructor to watch a student’s screen and monitor their computer during testing sessions, and ensure no other programs or applications are running simultaneously with the examination process. Some programs will even record face images as well as track physical movement so as to monitor how often students move about during exams – this form of proctoring requires more attention, but allows online testing without instructor presence in class.

Students using Respondus Monitor as proctoring must log into Canvas and locate an exam that requires Respondus Monitor before clicking on its link to launch it. Students will be instructed during the installation process to close any programs or applications which might interfere with the software installation, and after installing, students must go through an identity verification process. Once a student has verified their identity by showing an ID or clicking an image that appears on-screen, software will then check their system – this includes scanning keyboard and monitor for unauthorized writing, searching for additional people in the room and registering textbooks, calculators or any other devices they own.

Advanced versions of this software can detect when students are using cheating devices such as earpieces or smartwatches to cheat during exams, and can even identify when mobile phones are being used to access the internet during tests – though such sophisticated technology is usually only accessible at higher-level schools with access to more costly programs.

Traditional proctoring involves having an instructor roam up and down a row of tables during an exam, providing less expensive and more reliable supervision than using video proctoring. Some students find this method unnerving because of the constant surveillance; it makes them feel like someone is watching while they take an examination.

Using Respondus Monitor

Respondus Monitor is an extension of Respondus Lockdown Browser program designed to monitor computer users while taking online assessments, providing instructors with evidence of student compliance with any potential test-taking environments and verifying they are free from outside influences during test taking. It does this by tracking various aspects of student life such as whether other programs or web sites are open; whether text displays during testing; when internet connectivity drops out; mouse, keyboard and screen activity monitoring and recording video footage to validate identity and prevent cheating during online exams. The system records video footage as evidence that can confirm identity as it ensures there are no attempts at cheating during exams!

Respondus Monitor can be enabled within D2L under the Options tab of any quiz or exam in D2L to provide proctoring for exams, quizzes or exams. Instructors should update the syllabus with details regarding Respondus Monitor such as its technological requirements (e.g. a full computer is needed; Chromebooks and tablets do not work) as well as potential impact on student privacy.

The Respondus Monitor Student Guide contains additional details on how to use these tools. Once activated, students are guided through a pre-exam sequence including webcam checks when they log into their course in D2L. Once their assessment is complete, students can exit their monitor and return their computer back to its regular setup. For more information regarding Respondus Monitor tools use, students may refer to Respondus Monitor Student Guide.

Students do not need to schedule or register in advance for Monitor sessions, as the software automatically launches from their browser once exam instructions indicate it is necessary. When taking exams, no student is permitted to access other websites and close their browser during testing – helping ensure an optimal testing environment.

Students can set their preferences for the monitor during an exam, such as selecting a larger font size through the Settings menu of the toolbar. They may also enable access to specific external web domains if they require accessing an e-book or website while taking an exam.

Additional Resources

Some instructors require their students to use Respondus LockDown Browser while taking exams within Blackboard courses. Once installed, this software prevents students from performing certain actions during testing such as printing, copying, switching apps or browsing to another website.

Students wishing to install the software should close all applications on their computer before clicking on the download link specific for their operating system. The program automatically detects system information, ensuring the appropriate version of browser software is downloaded.

Instructors may require students to use Respondus Monitor during midterm and final exams in addition to using LockDown Browser. Check with your instructor for more details – they should provide a link that allows you to download this additional tool and webcam before following it to take the exam.

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