A montage of images from the week's events.

Campus & Community

4 insights gained this week

1 min read

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Numerous women express skepticism towards AI. An orange each day might prevent a visit to the psychiatrist. A crucial detail everyone ought to understand about cardiovascular disease. More options aren’t necessarily beneficial. Participate in our news quiz to evaluate how much you grasped from the Gazette this week.

Four Key Takeaways from This Week
1. By what percentage is the AI adoption rate among women lower than that of men, on average, based on findings from the Business School?

Four Key Takeaways from This Week
2. Consuming an orange daily may reduce depression risk by 20 percent. What could be the reason for this, based on the principal researcher of the research?

Four Key Takeaways from This Week
3. What dietary alteration could prevent nearly three fatalities per minute, per Chan School cardiovascular expert Goodarz Danaei?

Four Key Takeaways from This Week
4. In her latest publication, alumna Sophia Rosenfeld investigates how the concept of choice became associated with which of the following terms:



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